Silver Member
It's your baby and your choice to tell whoever you want. When the sister finds out say you simply didn't want to tell anyone if people asked fair enough but you wasn't going to announce it. More to the point if she doesn't talk to your or Jamie is she then saying she doesn't want anything to do with her niece or nephew??
It's a baby not a toy tell her to grow up and if she doesn't like it F off!!! Xxx
That's exactly what I keep trying to tell myself, but she is one of these people who just has to know my business. She has no right to ask or tell or talk about it but she feels if her mum knows she should know. I've told Jamie I don't want to tell anyone until I can't hide it or until literally everyone is talking about it/questioning me. I don't understand why people feel the need to presume it has anything to do with them. If I wanted them to know they would know!
And that's what I thought, but tbh I think she will treat this baby different to all the other kids in the family. Purely because I am the only in law that she doesn't call family. But if that's the way she wants to play it I wont involve her in it's life unless it's unavoidable. She will have 1 chance and if she don't wanna know then so be it.
It wouldn't be so bad if she was younger but she's 36 for god sake with 2 kids aged 18 & 11. It's bloody pathetic! Xxx