Losing the mummy bear weight

Wow! that's stunning. What a beautiful place to be able to walk around. I've had plantar faciitis (due to my heavy weight) which has affected me walking for any length of time over the past 3 years or so. I've been wearing much better footwear, and am now able to wander around for a few hours again, so am hoping to start walking again more often for exercise too. I absolutely swear by wearing Skechers shoes, especially those with the extra squishy flex/go mat soles. They really do help, and if you've an outlet store near you, they save a packet. I got a new pair of trainer style slip ons last weekend for £19.99, saving £40!
I'm a Skechers fan too!! Those extra squishy soles means I can walk for about 5 times longer than other shoes :) I even get Skechers winter boots with swishy soles - I love them!!
That's an amazing saving. I've been to the outlet store in swindon before, but not managed to get anything that good...

Went to the zoo yesterday!! Was naughty and has ice cream as well as a cream tea. On the scales this morning and looks like I'm up 3 pounds in the last 10 days... hmph!!! Just got to try and be better at sticking to plan and will make better progress I hope

In the meantime though... here's a pic of baby bear at the zoo !!!
So cute
Oh I bet lil bear loved the animals - was it her first visit to a zoo?

And don't blame you on the cream tea, they are pretty lush :)
Stepped in the scales this morning and that 3 pound gain has vanished!!! So I'm taking that and logging it as a STS! Scales are so silly

My Berger is here for a week now - him and his wife have flown in from Seattle so diet on hold, but then I am going to be ON IT until Xmas !
Week with my parents and brother and sis in law was... as predicted... diet carnage!!, but it was good...

Back on the wagon today...

B - toast and jam
L - tomato soup
S - slimfast snack bar
D - old El Paso fajitas
Met a friend for lunch yesterday - had tartiflette that was ooooxing with cheese and oil, only ate half of it though ?!

On plan today and went swimming with baby bear... although far more standing around than swimming !!!

B toast and jam
L meal bar
S banana and snack bar
D pork chop and oven chips, muller corner yoghurt
I have to stay away from tartiflette
Hi bigbear, where have you been
Hi tipp! I'm here! Just lurking

Plodding on with my plan and losing a few pounds each week. Prob not this week though cos I had a but of a wobble...

Will be back with a proper update x
OK just checking all was well