losing weight for the final time

just been working my the numbers and if I can get to 13 st 13lbs by Jan 1st, I only need to lose 2lb per week and I'll be at my ultimate goal weight by the end of June. I can do that. thats only 225 days and I could be feeling great about my body.
day 4 today and its going well so far. I had 2 little squares of chocolate yesterday but I'm ok with it. I really don't want to feel as though I'm restricting myself from things I want as it might end up with me eating loads of it. so a couple of squares of chocolate at around 60cals is ok.

back to exercise today as the aching has eased.

44 days left until weigh in :)
224 days until goal weight (hopefully)
Are you going to reward yourself for not checking until weigh in day, or is the weigh in the reward? :)

Well done so far. Excited to follow your countdown x x
Are you going to reward yourself for not checking until weigh in day, or is the weigh in the reward? :)

Well done so far. Excited to follow your countdown x x

thanks Buffy. I'm feeling so positive :)

hadn't thought about a reward but I think I might treat myself to a tattoo if I'm in the 13s on Jan 1st. fingers crossed x x
day 5 and still doing well. I'm going round to my neighbours house for cocktails tomorrow night so that wont be great calorie wise but I'm not going to go and drink water lol. my diet is a total lifestyle change. I want it to be doable once I get to goal, I drink sometimes so don't want to stop because I'm thinking about my weight. The odd night out is ok :)

Im enjoying not weighing myself, no pressure to be a certain weight. I feel quite excited about waiting so long before getting weighed, just hoping I can get into the 13s so I'll be on track for my goal date.

been and had my eyelashes and eyebrows done today. I'm in love with the fake lashes :)

off to collect my little man from nursery. have a good day x x

43 days until weigh in
223 days until goal weight (hopefully)
hi all,

I've had a lovely weekend, eaten pretty well. I've decided that on Saturdays I'm going to have a few drinks and a takeaway/meal out rest of the week eat really well :) I think thats a good balance.

put the xmas tree up and it looks so beautiful, we've decorated most baubles and they are really pretty :)

41 days until weigh in
221 days until goal weight (hopefully)
Good morning,

I've lost count on what day I'm on but I think its about day 8. motivation still going strong. I think not being strict with what I eat on a Saturday is going to be the best thing for me, too much restriction means I want cake, Chinese, alcohol even more lol, I guess allowing myself to have those things once a week is ok. rest of the week will be healthy food and exercise :)

yesterday I didn't feel hungry all day, not sure if its because I had a drink on Sat night, usually I'd be really hungry the day after drinking. calories for yesterday were probably around 400 max, not that I'm counting calories.

my fake eyelashes from Friday are still going strong, its the first time I've ever had them so didn't know how long they'd last. the lady said 3 days to 2 weeks. I really like them, its like waking up with make up on :)

my knee is getting better by the day. I can now run up the stairs without pain and no more crunching. Before surgery it would ache really badly by the evening and I'd be limping on it, now its fine. I'm so pleased with the results of surgery and it isn't even fully healed yet, still some swelling around the incisions.

days seems to be going so fast but I'm not complaining as it means I'm closer to Jan 1st weigh in and my goal weight date :)

40 days until weigh in
220 days until goal weight (hopefully)
Another busy day finished and one more closer to my goal weight. I'm loving counting the days down. Can't believe there's only 40 days of the year left. Since being a parent the years just fly by. 2017 is the year my oldest becomes a teenager, I wish life would slow down a little.

I've set my goal date of June 30th as that will mean 2lbs per week loss if I get to 13s on Jan 1st. 2lb pw is realistic and I think I can do that. Just need to stay focused and remember the reasons I'm doing this.

I'm off to sleep. Goodnight all x x

day 9 today.

I think this is the most positive I've ever been about getting to my goal weight. It will be so nice to feel good about my body in the summer instead of trying to cover up when its boiling hot.

I'm thinking I might have a monthly weigh in after Jan 1st.

knee a little sore today so I'll focus on upper body exercise and crunches. after only a week I can notice better defintion on my tummy :) cant wait to have a nice toned tummy again.

have a good day all x x

39 days until weigh in
219 days until goal weight (hopefully)
It's lovely to "see" you so motivated and positive, Jenny! Want to bottle some up and send it this way? x
My poorly leg has been hurting all day, last few hours I've been on crutches. its so frustrating as its been feeling so much better since my surgery. hoping it will feel better in the morning. my normal attitude would be to have something calorific to make me feel happier but I didt so I'm pleased.

hubby ordered a takeaway tonight and I said no to having one :) feels like small steps to becoming healthier. I'd already eaten dinner and although I was a little bit peckish, I decided to have a glass of water and an apple instead. bit annoying that he still asks when he knows I'm trying really hard to change my eating habits etc. but he's a feeder and maybe that will never change. It gets really bad when I'm pregnant, he wants me to eat for about 4 lol, he buys all my fav sweets, chocolates ice cream etc all the time, we're still talking about trying to concieve but not actively trying at the moment with how things have been health wise. maybe in a few months. I'm actually undecided as to whether I want another baby or not. my oldest will be a teenager in April and youngest will be starting full time school in Sept so not 100% if I want to do the whole baby stage again, although I do love babies and absolutely love being a mom. I'm also desperate to have a tummy tuck and can't until I finish having children. I think if I got to my goal weight and wasn't pregnant that I might decide to not have anymore children, so hubby better get my pregnant before my goal weight lol. hubby wants 3 more but I've said 1 more would be it.

took my mil to hospital earlier as she was really unwell. I'm sick of hospitals lately. hopefully they'll sort her out, looks like she's in for the night now.

I'm going to bed shortly.

goodnight all x x
Sorry to hear about your mil - it sounds like you've got a lot of important decisions to think about and make! I admire your motivation and positivity - well done for declining the takeaway! xx

thanks hun. yeah lots of decisions, I hate making decisions especially big ones. hope you're well x x

mil still in hospital, she's having a blood transfusion as shes lost lots of blood and having a procedure later so hopefully she'll be on the mend soon.

day 10 today. I'm tempted to weigh myself on Dec 1st and make weighing a monthly thing, that would give me an idea of what my losses are when I get to Jan 1st. I want to be aware of what the number will do for me before getting on the scales though. the number could be ok and I would feel positive about reaching Jan 1st goal, however, number could be higher than I think it is which could make me feel down and annoyed at myself, this could potentially lead to me being more motivated or totally going the other way and eating everything I'm trying to avoid. 8 days to decide.

knee still really painful, I have a follow up consultant appointment tomorrow, only problem its an hour drive, not sure my knee is up to driving for that long and then back. migth have to change it but would be good to talk to them about whats going on with it.

have a good day all x x

38 days until weigh in
218 days until goal weight (hopefully)
haha I've just decided that I'm going to weigh myself Dec 1st. only 8 days to go woohoo lol. I feel quite excited now, 8 days will fly by. Fingers crossed I'm in the 14s and not the 15s but its hard to tell. anywhere in the 14s will mean Jan 1st goal of 13st 13lbs or under is do, if I'm back in the 15s then theres not much hope of that goal.

8 days until Dec 1st weigh in
38 days until Jan 1st weigh in
218 days until goal weight (hopefully)
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good morning,

thankfully my knee is feeling loads better this morning, I'm going to try and rest it as much as possible today, although I am going out tonight with my oldest friend.

day 11 and still going strong :) I changed my mind about weighing myself on Dec 1st so for now the plan is to weigh on Jan 1st, knowing me I'll probably change my mind again lol.

I have a mint club last night, it was so yummy. I need to change how I think about eating things like this, I almost felt guilty. but actually its ok to eat in moderation. I don't want to be too restrictive but obviously not indulge in too many unhealthy foods. I'll figure it out I'm sure.

Saw a cute baby at school today and it made me feel so broody, I love babies and being pregnant.

my eyelashes are still on, its so nice to wake up looking like I've already done my make up :)

have a good day all

37 days until weigh in
217 days until goal weight (hopefully)
Hi all,

after posting earlier I got the urge to weigh myself and did :( to say I'm gutted with what I weigh is an understatement. I'm back up to 15 st 9lbs. I really hoped that I'd be in the 14s but 10lbs from that. feeling a little annoyed that I'm this heavy again as I was 14'3 a couple of months ago. but never mind. I know my weight now so will next weigh Jan 1st. I'm kind of glad I weighed today so at least I wont be disappointed on Jan 1st. I'm hoping to get rid of 2lbs a week so hopefully I'll weigh around 14'12 on Jan 1st.

I'm going to work out a new goal date.

x x
so my new goal date is August 1st. its a lovely thought of being at goal for my birthday in September.

I'm only 10lbs under my heaviest weigh so feel rubbish about that but I'm on track now and if I can stay focused, in 249 days I'll be over the moon to be at my goal weight. this date is worked out by losing 2lbs per week. I'll be fine if I dont quite get there by Aug 1st but that's the date I'm working towards.

I can do this.

37 days until weigh in.
249 until goal date.