losing weight for the final time

Hope the party was fun! Can I ask what a blind weigh in is? I'm curious as I chose not to WI on Friday x

It's something my old consultant used to talk about: you still weigh as normal, but you don't see what you've lost/gained. At the end of the month, you get a cumulative total. It helps people not get hung up on the weekly numbers x
Hey Jenny. 3lb is nothing. Trim your hair and blow your nose and that's gone.

I really couldn't not weigh in. I can hold out for the week but that's it. And the thought that someone else could know what I weighed and not me is horrifying to me. Which is strange coz when I'm not dieting if I have to be weighed for whatever reason (docs/ when preggers etc) I always tell them I dont want to know.

Was it a kids or grown ups party? Kids party food is the best (worst!) but... y'know... lots of kids. So swings and roundabouts :D
Hi all,

had a bad couple of weeks. My husbands health still isn't good, he's had some tests and waiting for another couple. things have been quite stressful. we're both self employed so have gone from a decent joint income to managing on my part time income. We can manage but it means being careful and not putting any money into savings, which makes me sad. We do have savings to fall back on, which is good.

it was my daughters birthday on Monday, so all weekend that has been my excuse to eat cake and junk food. its my birthday tomorrow and I will be having a piece of cake and going out for a meal. I'm not going to think about eating right or weight etc tomorrow. I really want to get back on track. I feel so frustrated with myself when this happens :(

I go from wanting to lose 4ish stone, to questioning why I'm depriving myself of things I like to eat, some days I even look in the mirror and think I look ok. I dont know :( my attitude towards food is wrong. I know I need to work on it. maybe now my son is at nursery school I can sort it out.

my water intake has been shockingly bad. I'm trying my best to drink 2L from today. I used a water app in the past so might find it again.

x x
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Don't beat yourself up too much, Jenny. You're still posting on here, which is a good thing! You've got a goal, so let today and tomorrow happen, then draw a line. Think of it as a positive thing to get back to x x
Don't beat yourself up too much, Jenny. You're still posting on here, which is a good thing! You've got a goal, so let today and tomorrow happen, then draw a line. Think of it as a positive thing to get back to x x

Hey, yes I am going to try and remain positive, I 'm sure I can still hit my goal of 50lbs if I gett back on track. Thank you. I've just downloaded that app so will have a listen later x x
I'm having knee surgery in the next couple of weeks, no idea how its going to be afterwards, might be fine to walk on within a couple of days or could mean 6/8 weeks rest, all depends on what they need to do when they look at it. the mri is very distorted as I metal in there already. fingers crossed for a quick recovery.

I'm feeling more positive about losing weight as I post on here. thank you all for always being positive, its a great motivation.

have a good day all x x
Jenny B is in the HOUSE!!!

Welcome back. Sorry you've been having a rough time. Hope you get your hubby's health sorted and hope you have a fantabulous relaxing birthday x
Hi Jenny, wishing you an absolutely fabulous birthday. Things sound very busy in your life at the moment so take it easy on your self. I know it can be really hard when you get to this stage and start questioning your motivation. Break it down and take it in small steps.Perhaps if you just focus on your water intake for a few days and that might help bring your mind back to where you want it to be.
Have a great day and enjoy your cake
Stay positive, you're doing so well xx
I'm sorry to hear it's been a rough couple of weeks for you hun. I hope you have a lovely birthday tomorrow. Birthdays are definitely not the time to worry about calories so please just enjoy it xx

thank u. I had a great day, lots of cake :) x x
Hi Jenny, wishing you an absolutely fabulous birthday. Things sound very busy in your life at the moment so take it easy on your self. I know it can be really hard when you get to this stage and start questioning your motivation. Break it down and take it in small steps.Perhaps if you just focus on your water intake for a few days and that might help bring your mind back to where you want it to be.
Have a great day and enjoy your cake

hey, thank you. yes things are so busy and hectic. Think I'm going to look at my reasons and motivation so its fresh in my mind.

I really enjoyed the cake, it was so yummy x x
Hi all,

so birthdays are over for the year. it was really nice. There's loads of cake and chocolates left but I'm going to give them to the kids.

water has been ok today so far. I have 3 clients back to back this evening so will try and drink plenty of water, I find it easy to drink almost a 500ml bottle every hour when I'm at work so should hit my water target today easily.

I didn't do any cleaning or tidying yesterday as it should be against the law to tidy and clean on your birthday lol. twice as much to do this morning though, I spent around an hour doing the housework so that's quite a few calories gone.

I have my knee surgery in a couple of weeks, trying to remain positive but feel really worried. last surgery was so bad, the pain was awful. shouldn't be as bad as that though. fingers crossed.

I haven't eaten much today. going to make dinner in a min as I'm leaving for work at 4pm so eat early today and just have a snack later.

I haven't weighed for a while and I'm not feeling that bothered about it right now. maybe next week.

have a good day all x x
good morning all,

feeling pretty positive about losing weight today. I've felt so up and down recently. I know I want to lose weight so need to focus on that.

I've been shopping today for clothes for the kids, so much easier going when they're at school.

I'm going to cut up my carrots now so that I have a snack handy. I'm doing well with water today and did 100 crunches this morning.

weighed myself and really didn't like the number :( the scales aren't my friend. but I'll get back down.

x x
glad you are back x x
Good morning all,

I've been really busy this week. feel like I've had no time to myself at all. plus my husband has been persuading me to stay up really late so I'm tired.

food wise, I've been doing pretty well. as there's no structure or rules to what I eat. I try and make good choices most of the time. I weighted myself the day I last posted and was really disappointed, if only I'd stayed on track I'd be in the 13s now and a step closer to goal, but these things happen so I'm not going to beat myself up about it. I was in the 13s on my profile picture, I remember feeling massive but looking at the picture, its not so bad. only 10-12lbs away.

my eye is swollen again, first dr said it was an eye infection, then an allergic reaction, going back in an hour. fingers crossed they can sort it as its so annoying and irritating.

I'm doing a bit better with water but still not as good as I'd like. exercise is pretty much non existent, I've just been too busy with work/kids/cooking etc. hoping next week will be a little quieter.

I really want to get another tattoo, I love russian dolls so I've decided to get one covering the front of my thigh. It takes me ages to decide what I want and to perfect the design, might book a session. I think I'll make my tattoo a reward for getting into the 13s. hopefully by the end of the month.

have a good day all x x
Hi all,

just a quick post. my husband is back in hospital with heart problems. diet is out the window. I'm emotionally eating which feels crap but at the moment I really can't focus. I wish I could get back on track but I'm finding it so hard.
giving myself a break though, I'm going to do my best to eat well but if I don't its not the end of world.
wish my husband was sorted as its such a worrying time.

I'll be back though.

take care x x