losing weight for the final time

Oh gosh, Jenny! Sorry to hear that, and wishing your husband a speedy recovery. I can only imagine how stressful (and scary!) it is - you've got the right attitude though; don't beat yourself up if things aren't totally on plan. Make sure you make time to look after yourself as well xx
echo Torn_Tranquility's post

we're here when you're ready to come back x x
Hi all, I

hope you're all well.

Had my knee surgery on Tuesday and I'm pleased to say it went really well. I'm already walking and driving so over the moon :) I was so worried that I wouldn't be able to walk without crutches or drive for months. knee feeling loads better already and its still really bruised and swollen.

I have been eating whatever I want recently and its felt ok. I'm really trying not to be hard on myself about food anymore. Last night when I was in the bath, I decided it was time to get back to eating better. I had a goal of losing 50lbs by the end of the year but that is unrealistic at this point because I've gained. I have no idea what I weigh and I'm not weighing myself until Jan 1st. that gives me 6 weeks to lose as much as I can. I'll set a new goal Jan 1st to finally get to my target weight. I feel like I'm massive so could be back at my start weight :(

things are a little better with my husband, hoping he'll be back at work soon.

I've had a healthy breakfast and 500ml of water so far today so that's a good start. I'm going to do some gentle exercise everyday.

I'm off to prepare some healthy snacks so I don't grab something not so healthy when I'm hungry.

fingers crossed I can do x x
great to read such a positive post about you and your husband x x
great to read such a positive post about you and your husband x x

thank Buffy. I'm going to catch up on your diary tonight. I completely avoid this site when I'm off track but I can see by your signature that you are doing great :) x x
I'm feeling so focused today, if only I could keep this feeling forever :)

I have a little tub of sliced carrots next to me to snack on and I'm doing well with water.

So there's only 7 weeks left of the year. I feel slightly annoyed at myself for not sticking to healthy eating as I'd be on track to be in the 12s but life happens and mine has been really hectic and stressful recently so its ok. just means it will take me longer to get to a healthy weight. I wonder how much weight I can lose in 7 weeks. least a stone hopefully but guess I wont know as I don't know what I weigh now lol. I guess the number doesn't really matter. I'll be over the moon if I'm in the 13s on Jan 1st so that will be my goal.

off to get some exercise done and decide what to cook for dinner.

x x
Hi Jenny,

Welcome back. Sounds sensible to stay off the scales -we can feel in ourselves what's "good" for us.
Hi Jenny,

Welcome back. Sounds sensible to stay off the scales -we can feel in ourselves what's "good" for us.

hey, thank you :) it will be really strange not weighing myself but I need to remember its only a number and actually doesn't matter. x x
Hey all,

today has been really good. I'm so pleased I decided to get back on track. I always feel better when I'm eating well, more in control.

I've got physio next week so it will be good to ask how much exercise is ok for my knee, I don't want to overdo it and be in pain or damage my knee anymore.

it feels strange not knowing how much I weigh, the only time I don't weigh myself is when I'm eating rubbish. I always weigh myself when I'm eating well. only 47 days to go lol.

x x
good morning all,

motivation is way up high today. I felt slimmer this morning in the mirror lol. must be in my head.

had a healthy breakfast but not much water. I'm going to work in 20 mins so will aim to drink around 750ml in the 2 hours I'm there and then to pick my little man up and home for some exercise. I've planned dinner for tonight and have my snacks ready.

my husband gets fed up of my dieting as he says I talk about it all the time lol. guess I just get excited about losing weight. I haven't mentioned anything this time, sure he'll notice that I'm not eating chocolate soon :)

its so nice feeling positive, day 2 going well so far. 46 days to go

have a good day all x x
I've decided not to tell anyone that I'm trying to lose weight. I've lost weight so many times and always tell family/friends/kids etc and then feel rubbish when I gain it back. I gets loads of comments once I lose weight but as soon as I gain it I almost feel embarrassed :( so you lovely people are the only ones I'm telling.

I'm so curious about what I weigh but resisting the scales so far. surely I can wait 46 days lol.

I'm not buying as many tubs of chocolates this year as over Christmas I can sit and watch a film and eat loads. I really don't want to gain just because its Christmas, hopefully I'll be excited about weighing myself the week after so I'll be able to stick to mainly eating healthy food.

off to get my exercise done now x x

I've had such a long day. feel like I haven't stopped all day. finished work this evening at 6.30pm to a text from hubby saying that the back door lock was broken and could I get a new one. after collecting the lock from home, I went to 4 different shops but none had the right size :( hubby managed to fit broken lock in and just about lock the door for tonight, I'll have to sort something out tomorrow. pain in the bum.

I'm really pleased with what I've eaten today, probably had 2.5l of water and exercised. if only I could continue this forever. I can try :)

I'm so fed up with losing weight and then gaining it again. I wonder what its like to be one of those people that eat whatever they want and dont gain weight, that sounds like a dream lol

I'm aware that my weight cant be good for my bad knee, 4/5 stone loss would mean less strain on my knee and hopefully less pain.

I have food planned for tomorrow so I'm ready to go.

I snacked on some nuts earlier, I couldn't believe the calories in them, I knew they were calorific but was shocked how bad. think they contain healthy fats though so in moderation is fine.

I notice that when I'm off track and eating whatever I want, I feel hungry a lot and seem to pick at food all day. as soon as I'm back on track my hungry levels seem so much lower, maybe its because I'm drinking more water or the food I'm eating is more filling. I'm not complaining though.

right I'm going to sleep in a few minutes. my body is aching from exercising yesterday and today.

goodnight all x x
Good morning all,

I'm feeling really poorly today, have a cold sore on my lip, a swollen eye again and my head is really hurting.

I woke up in the night aching all over, especially my back. I've overdone it with exercising so I'm having today off to give my muscles time to heal.

although I'm not feeling good, I'm still positive I can do this. day 3 today, only 45 days and I can weigh myself. I felt really tempted to weigh today but talked myself out of it. what will the number do for me? chances are it will make me feel sad or annoyed at myself so I'm being strong and avoiding the scales. I'm holding onto the thought that I might see a 13 on the scales on Jan 1st and although my goal was to get to the 12s by then, I'll still be really pleased. I'll be around half way to my goal and feeling loads better and be ready to get to goal in 2017.

I'm not working this morning so putting my feet up and relaxing for a change.

Have a good day x x
glad to read you had a good day :)