Losingit's losing it journey

LOL I've never a problem with undereating (sadly) but glad writing it all down helped you Captain Obvious :D

But I think you might have something there, losingit. I find it so hard not to go mad when I'm thinking about food all the time, too.
Still (almost) on track and not counting calories is MUCH better for me. Did have one slipup today and had a largish piece of my daughter's pork pie cos it looked so good... my total carb count for today is probably around 40g which is too high obviously but not the end of the world.
Weigh in today, -3lbs, finally!
Well done Hun!!! Xxx

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Well, midweek and a sneaky weigh in and surprisingly i've lost another 3lbs! Weeks and weeks of all that effort without getting too far then all of a sudden dropping 6lbs+ in 2 weeks with no change of routine, amazing! I should know by now that this is fairly typical on Atkins but it takes me by surprise each time, loving it right now. I read somewhere that the whooshy effect is due to empty fat cells temporarily storing water in them incase they need to later take on fat again, and then eventually they turn around and say "hey, you know what, we don't need to hold onto this empty fat cell anymore" and let all the water go.

The one thing i have changed lately is cutting down on my exercise, to once or twice a week instead of four times, this too could help release water as my muscles get to fully recover between sessions. Also finding less exercise makes my appetite easier to control, not feeling the need to go out and have a binge anymore. Despite exercising less, when i do exercise i'm performing better, today i beat my 1 mile personal best, i can now run 1 mile in 12 minutes 20 seconds, a whole 30 seconds faster than my previous record :). My goal is to be able to run a mile in 10 minutes, maybe sometime next year.

Meeting a friend tomorrow, which is something pretty significant for me because i'm a bit of a hermit and don't normally see anyone from week to week apart from my daughter, so it'll be nice to spend time with someone for a change.
just contradicted myself there, said nothing had changed then said i'd changed my exercise routine.... oh dear, lol.
lost another lb overnight, :)

My friend cancelled our meetup today so i've been sat at home working instead. Freezing cold today and can't seem to get warm, and i don't know where the sun has gone it's been so dark all day.
Wow amazing hun well done xxxx

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weigh in... 4lbs down :) very happy.
I'm only focused because i know that come Christmas day and that period between christmas and new year, i'm probably going to pile the weight on and eat like crazy... my reasoning is if i can shift some pounds between now and christmas i can put them back on again without too much damage if that makes sense?! Not long to go now, really looking forward to christmas dinner followed by choccies and a glass of wine.... :)
Well done that's brilliant!!! Xxx

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Had the most horrendous day today, i'm so glad it's almost over... everything that could go wrong, did.

I hurt my foot three weeks ago, and today it suddenly got really really painful. Went to see the dr who told me no more training for a couple of weeks, maybe longer :(. Secretly i don't mind too much actually, i could do with a rest. They were really rude to me which upset me though, normally when i tell medical folk that i lost more than 4 stone this year they are pleased for me, but not this woman, she said "well it's simple really, you stop putting food in your mouth" which really pi$$ed me off cos i felt like she was talking to me like i was 2 years old and she was so patronising, and she has no idea how hard i actually worked for these 4 stones *bashes head on wall*, she wasn't even skinny herself, she was probably a similar weight to me the cow. She even went on to say that i am still 'probably overeating' but that i get away with it because of my exercise but now i'll put it on if i'm not careful due to having a break. Well, i know this is a lie, for me the exercise slows my weightloss if anything and i only exercise cos it makes me feel good, not because it helps with my losses. The less i exercise the more rapid my losses tend to be and the less food i feel the need to eat. Anyhow...

Microwave gave up the ghost this morning, which was something i REALLY didn't need. It's one of those fancy microwaves which also has a cooker and grill in it. Since it's only me and my 4 year old i use the microwave to cook all my meals as it's not worth heating up the big main oven (plus i hate cleaning ovens, microwave is much easier!). Could have done without the expense of replacing that, but hey ho, got a new one today which is smaller and cheaper so it should do for now.

Next bad thing, letter in the post from the bank saying they can't close my joint account. This is from an old relationship with an abusive ex who just wants to make my life hell. It's really wrecking my life because my ex has extremely bad credit and with the joint account still in existence i'm financially 'linked' to him on my credit report. Which in turn stops me moving on with my life and i really really want to get a mortgage in the next 12 months. All he needs to do is sign a form to agree to close the account, but no, he won't. I'm not meant to be in contact with him due to the domestic violence and the police being involved, so i've been trying to get the bank to help me contact him to get it signed, but no one wants to help me. I kept calling them back and eventually got through to someone who said they'd try and help me and took my number. Not heard back yet but not holding out much hope. It's really upsetting me cos i just want to move on with my life and i don't think i'll ever be free of him.

Top it all off, i went food shopping and seemed to have spent more than ever.
Just one of those days where everything seems to go against me, i'm really fed up.

I suppose there is one good point, and that's the fact that i'm not sat here stuffing my face with the box of chocolates i bought for my niece's christmas pressie. Which is a vast improvement, i'm not perfect but many a time now i'm finding that negative emotions are not automatically associated with eating comfort food. I find myself seeking refuge in other things, like chilling with a movie or spending some time playing mindless games, which is a big leap forwards. Did get tempted with some pigs in blankets in asda earlier but they had 10g carb / 100g which was just too much since i won't be able to limit myself to just one or two! Might make my own pigs in blankets low carb style.
Oh lord what a day!!! I hope u had a better day today hun xxxx

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Yes, had a much better day today thanks :), things have been pretty good, got lots of work done and now about to go chill out infront of the telly.

I ate a couple of squares of chocolate today which totalled 10g carbs, not the best use of my carb allowance but hey it's christmas, and it's great that i showed enough restraint to actually stop when i did!