Losingit's losing it journey

Awww bless normie!! Haha kids eh! If you have to say it once you've said it 1 million times!!

Yum I've just had some salt and pepper thighs

Enjoy!! Xxx

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What a cutie:)

And so close to your lowest - well done and go for it:)
Bought some cooked chicken from Asda earlier today, ate most of it before seeing "sugar marinade" in the list of ingredients. It was meant to be a plain old roast chicken *headbang*. The label says 0.2g of carb per 100g so not the end of the world but i'm pi$$ed that i ate sugar when i didn't want to!

Other than that all is good in losingit land, weigh in day is now Tuesday after changing the days due to weighing in on new years day, so will weigh tomorrow. I think i've only lost 1lb this week but we are headed in the right direction which is what counts!
A pound off is a pound gone, hun :D

Someone at work told me a little trick - pick up a pound of butter and just hold it in your hand for a minute - then put it down and walk away from it, thinking all the time "Goodbye fat" - she swears by it :)

Not that you need any help, you are doing a fab job!
thanks, i need all the help i can get :)
Morning hun

Good luck with WI this morn xxx

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weigh in - 1lb down. I was actually much lighter at the weekend but nevermind.
I had a handful of berries last night which is not strictly allowed but it was less than 5g carb.
Morning :) Well done on your loss!! Dont forget weights up and down, tomorrow you could be another lb lighter lol aslong as its coming off its all good :D:D:D xxx
Ohhh I love ragdoll cats, I'd love to have one one day, he's gorgeous. Must be a good antidote to your recent stress.
Yeah, i chose the ragdoll cat because i want company cos i work from home alone, i get really lonely when my daughter is at school all day, and the ragdolls are meant to be 'doglike' / needy type cats rather than the aloof type. This has certainly been true so far, i can't get rid of Normie, he clings to me all day long and is always interfering with my work, and he has the sweetest personality.

This afternoon i helped my daughter make some chocolate coins. I'm very proud to say that despite the cadbury's chocolate buttons being out on the table for two hours, and the amazing smell of melted chocolate, i didn't cave in and eat any! I can't tell you how hard this was!
Cor well done on the chocolate resisting! Gold star for you, missus! :D

And how sweet Normie sounds, and just what you need - not like Orbit, she just gave me a "I'm going to kill you later when you're asleep" look - don't know what I've done or not done!
Ah, i haven't had the killer cat look yet, but i have had the "why are you talking to me in a silly voice like i'm stupid?" stare. He also quite literally walks all over me, all the time, he totally owns me already :D
High five to resisting the melted choc and buttons!!

Not the golden coin maker by any chance? We got that our son or Xmas, I made OH do it with him lol I wasnt strong enough!! Xxx

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yes that's the one.. golden coin maker, brought down the chimney by the very generous Santa. Lots of faffing around but my little girl loved it.
Oh... was also going to say, i was up all night weeing even though i hadn't drunk any more than normal. Jumped on the scales this morning and i'm 3lbs down from yesterdays weigh in! Nice whooshy! The body is a strange thing, but i'm glad it let go of all that water cos i feel great this morning.
Haha yeah tis abit of faffing!!

Ohhhh well done you that's brill!! Xxxx

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Catching up after the Xmas, well done on the 3 lb
TOTM and i've put on 2lbs again in water weight overnight. Still sticking to diet 100% but stuffing my face like silly, ate sooo much today it's not funny, just added up the calories and it's roughly 3500!!! Luckily it's Atkins i'm on and not calorie counting! And i'm pleased that i'm eating the right foods and not giving in to chocolate cravings.