Losingit's losing it journey

Glad u have had a better day!

Yup i was the same last week picking at choc cubes, but like you say the fact u can stop urself is such a good thing to be able to do so well done :)

I love tht im losing weight again and enjoy Atkins but my god am I lookin forward to treats at Xmas lol xxx

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I was the same the other day, But it is great how we can stop ourselves now, before I would have eaten a whole big bar and then worried a lithe afterwards now it's like " if you eat any more Gemma your fat will be back instantly!!" xx
I was thinking of just hiding in the shadows and not weighing in until the new year, but decided to come clean. Started eating carby food 2 days ago. Choccies, family meal out, crisps, chips, you name it :).

So today i'm 14stone 11, which despite the volume of food i ate i know is not a pure fat gain, mostly water. So +4lbs this week. 3 days away from christmas and i'm coming off my diet. Not lasted as long as i wanted but still a huge improvement on last year. Even if i stuff my face silly for the next 9 days until new years day i know the damage is not going to be impossible to undo in January once back on plan. Will be back to weigh next week to see how much i gain, would be good if i manage to stay under 15stone but if i don't, i don't... will have a whooshie to look forward to in the new year when i restart anyway.
Morning :) I agree enjoy urself because u can easily shift it after new year :)

If I wasn't so paranoid about fitting in my dress id be doing the same too, but I'm gonna have to wait till Xmas eve to start my treats :)

Have a lovely day xxx

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Merry Xmas Hun xxxx

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Merry Christmas everyone :). Had a great christmas dinner, yummmmmm
After i'm guessing around 7 days of stuffing my face with chocolate and very little else, my weight has topped out at 15stone 5lbs this afternoon! Which is a huge 12lb gain. Mostly water weight i know, and i'm always a couple of pounds heavier in the afternoons too. Instead of waiting until New Year i'm starting back on plan as of today. Hopefully by new years i will be entering ketosis and be below 15stone again.

I have been a complete pig, i feel really disgusted at myself and feel sick too. Didn't even enjoy the binges, no idea why i carried on for so many days. Yesterday i ate a packet of lindt choccies and a whole tin of cadburys biscuits, and a multipack of 6 bags of crisps, eurghhhh. The only thing i actually enjoyed eating this christmas was my pigs in blankets, which i could have done on Atkins anyway. Nevermind, that 12lbs will be gone soon, i hope in the next 2 weeks but i guess it could take up to a month but at least i'm getting back to it.
Weigh in day again (yes, still sticking with the weigh ins despite christmas)... and i gained 2lbs this week. Which is just fine because a few days ago it would have been a +4lb again at least but weight is already back on the way down. Today is day 3 back on plan.

Not at all worried about New Year, it's a meaningless time to me and i don't go out and party or anything. Will just spend it in front of the telly watching movies or something.

Got some other good news which i forgot to tell everyone - and that is i'm getting a new kitten! The new kitty will be ready for us in the first week of January, not sure exactly what day yet but somewhere around 3rd / 4th. Really excited, and happy that my landlord has agreed to it. Working from home, and when my daughter is in school i get really lonely, so it will be nice to have some kitty company.
Well done getting back on plan :)

Awww lovely! Do u have a name in mind?

Ive put half a stone on so far, only 2 more days To go and it's 100% bak on track for me :D xxx

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Have got a name for the new cat now, he will be called Norman, after a character in a childrens book which my daughter loves.

Anyway... HAPPY NEW YEAR, wow can't believe how fast the past 12 months have gone!

Starting the year at 14stone 11, a whole 4 stone 5 lbs less than last year. My lowest weight was 14 stone 7 but due to christmas i'm still 4 lbs over that despite being back on plan for almost a week already. I have been super good and not snacked at all over new year nor had anything alcoholic (don't much like alcohol anyway).

My goal for 2013 is to get to within 1 stone of my target weight, which is roughly 3 stones away. It should be easily do-able but who knows, this is now walking on new ground to me since the weight i'm at now is what i weighed when i was at school!

Good luck everyone and may 2013 be a losing year.
Happy new year hun and good luck :)

Awww Norman!! Love it xxx

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Had a family meal at my mom and dad's and was really good, ate roast pork and veg with a splash of gravy, resisted the roast potatoes. Then came home and snacked on turkey all afternoon/evening.

I have a Solicitor's appointment tomorrow which i'm not much looking forward to. My ex, who is the father of my daughter and hasn't seen her for almost 5 years (since she was a couple of months old) has suddenly decided he wants access to her. Problem is he is a total psycho and is currently in prison serving a lengthy sentence for stabbing someone in the neck randomly on a bus! The solicitors letter he sent me asks me to take my daughter all the way to where he is in prison once a month to visit him, it's a good 250 miles from where i live but also something that i don't believe is in her best interests. I'm not looking forward to fighting this one out in the courts although (i hope) the odds are very much in my favour due to circumstances. It really frightens me that he might possibly get access to her, i used to work in family law and know that supervised access can act as a stepping stone to full access later on. Hopefully i am being overly paranoid by even thinking this could happen, but it's my absolute worst nightmare and it's getting me all worked up just thinking about it.
Morning :)
Well if this government is capable of making any good decision this should be one of them!! I would hope the court is 100% in your favour!! try not to worry too much (easy for me to say) I know how it feels when ppl want to be in your childs like who you absoloutly do not want to be its a nightmare

Big hugs and I hope it all goes well with the solicitor xxx

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How absolutely outrageous! Who in their right mind would insist that you take a 5 year old to a prison to meet a violent stranger just because they share some DNA??!!! I hope it goes your way and the courts realise he's just chancing his arm - not to mention at the expense of the taxpayer as no doubt he's getting legal aid for this nonsense xx
Just seen the solicitor. Good news is that he doesn't think he stands a chance at getting physical access to my daughter. Slightly bad news is that he thinks he may succeed in getting indirect contact via letters. In any case we are going to fight against it. Yes, my ex does have legal aid, annoying when i've just been told by my solicitor that it could cost me 5,000 or more if he does insist on going through courts - i can afford it but i work so hard for my money it seems almost unfair that a violent criminal can get all this for free.
Afternoon hun - I echo everyone else's comments, what a ridiculous situation to be put in!

Oooh you just posted - that's really great news on him not getting physical access - and at least if he does succeed on the letter thing, you can vet anything he might send. Maybe he just got sentimental with Christmas and stuff, perhaps it might fade away? Here's hoping, anyhow!

And can I just say a major congrats for your 2012 weight loss, that is fabulous- nothing is going to stop you! xxx
Hi Losingit - good to hear the news from solicitors, hope you can get the rest sorted. And have a fabulous year:D
I agree! Even if he got the rights over the letters, it'll probably not last long! But hopefully he won't!!

Shame about havin to spend all ur hard earned money on him, but I suppose in the end when you win it would of been 5,000 well spent keeping ur daughter with her mummy where she belongs :)
Have a lovely eve xxxx

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Picked up my new kitten today, he is 13 weeks old and sooo cute. His name is "normie" (aka Norman), a bicolour Ragdoll. He has already 'bonded' with my 4 year old daughter and actually seems to enjoy her overenthusiastic advances. Nevertheless i've spent most of the afternoon saying "leave the cat alone for a few minutes!" every 5 minutes, poor thing might get overwhelmed and needs his cat-naps! I'm really happy with him anyway, i can tell how much effort the breeder put into socialising him which was important - a couple of years ago i had a disaster with a rescue dog we adopted which was badly matched :(.


As far as the diet goes, all is good in Atkins-land, i've got some spicey chicken thighs in the oven which i can't wait to devour. Still 1.5lbs heavier than my lightest weight, which is really close, glad that christmas hasn't had a lasting impact on my weight - it's great news!


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