Hi there, been neglecting the forum a bit lately, busy with my business over the weekend.
Mostly doing OK. Yesterday i was very good, can't remember exactly what i ate but i was super good and stuck 100% to plan and even had plenty of veg. I did have a bit of a problem though, this time caffeine related. I used to be a huge cola addict and used to drink only coke or pepsi and no water at all. When i started the diet in January i used the opportunity to wean myself off the coke and i haven't had any now for around 5 weeks at least. Well when i was out at the supermarket i got very thirsty suddenly and just happened to notice a buy 1 get 1 free on the Pepsi Max. So i grabbed two 600ml bottles and proceeded to drink them both, thinking that it'll be fine cos it's 'diet' and not sugar. I've always been a bit sensitive to caffeine but this time it really hit me - it's normally a 'nice' feeling and an energy boost, but this time i felt like i'd been punched in the head. I had heart palpitations and couldn't sit still and was unable to get to sleep until 3am. Then woke up early at 6am feeling shaky and like i had flu. Was also starving hungry. I ran to the fridge and ate 4 cherry tomatoes and some cheese, then cooked myself cheesy broccoli for breakfast and had a couple of big glasses of water. Felt totally back to normal after that! No idea why it effected me this badly, perhaps something to do with Ketosis and sticking on the diet for a long time (long time for me, i'm usually giving up about now!).
Drama over - today, i've been on the cross trainer for 30 minutes again. Not a very good 30 minutes since my daughter kept disturbing me, had to stop twice, but it was still 30 minutes and i did it

. Settling into a "1 day on 1 day off" routine with the exercise which is working out quite nicely. It is getting a little easier already, i don't think i'll ever feel like i did the very first time i got on there and did 5 minutes and felt like i was dying!
Diet today has been mostly good. Lots of veg. I may have edged over my allowance for cream, it's pretty 'dangerous' - i wish they sold it in smaller pots because once i start eating it i find it hard to stop.
I have had a bit of a breakthrough with the scales. For 5 days straight i was the same or gaining, and i was thinking i would end the week with a gain instead of a loss. But the last 2 days the scales just dropped 2 to 3lbs just like that, no rhyme or reason. The first day i thought i might have been dehydrated so drank more, but the second day even more was gone. I'm not complaining. I think it's pretty cool - although i've done Atkins before several times and heard of the "whoosh" effect i've never experienced it myself until now. I like it! Normally i would have given up by now, but it has given me a bit of a boost to continue and came just in time. Not sure what my final figure will be tomorrow, might only be -2lbs, but i'm happy (if i can possible continue doing 2lbs a week i'll lose 56lbs by my 30th, a huge 4 stone! - i really hope i make it and it continues).
How's everyone else doing?
boggins - keep going, you are doing great to stay on track after your valentine's treat - and you might be going through the same thing i did this week, if my weigh in days were different i too would have had to record a gain, but now it's going again.