Had a visitor come over the other day for a couple of hours, and they ended up staying for almost 2 whole days. Was a bit of a challenge on my diet..., i actually did remarkably if i must say so myself! My guest was very large himself which really helped me stay focussed because i could see how i'd turn out myself if i didn't stick to plan. Sounds really awful i know but, well it helped.
I had to miss my usual exercise session on the cross trainer as i didn't want to exercise infront of my guest, but i have done a session this morning so we are back on track with that. Food-wise, i told him straight that i don't have carbs in the house and he'll have to eat low-carb. And he did, and was pretty happy with it i think. I cooked a roast chicken for one meal, sausages, homemade burgers, veggies, and we did OK. I found an old pack of bachelors instant noodles in my cupboard which he devoured in no time, i think he wasn't actually all that impressed with being on my low carb diet also but i'm sure it did him the world of good, lol, and he did outstay his welcome

. God knows he needs it at probably around 35stone or more, i hope he got on his scales when he got home cos i know he must have lost weight.
Got a delivery today - Kettleworx kettleball and DVD's. Pretty excited to give them a go later tonight maybe. Will try to add a Kettleworx routine to my existing cross trainer routine 3x a week. Looking forward to doing it, and hoping it will help build muscle to minimise baggy skin later on, the cross trainer doesn't really help with that! I'm not worried about having a baggy tummy, it's more my upper arms and my thighs to be honest as these are the parts that i'd like to be able to show in the summer when i wear strappy tops and shorts... and my arms in particular already have enormous bingo wings.
Had some bad news yesterday, my Uncle finally lost his fight with Leukaemia and died in his sleep at hospital. It's doubly sad as he was a large man of around 25stone and he cannot be cremated at the place he wanted to be as they say the facility isn't big enough, he has to go somewhere else in a special place for large people. sighs--- yet another reason to lose weight, to have a more dignified death, (eventually, hopefully many many years in the future!).