Well had my first weight in & 2.5lb off - might even have to start a ticker!! I'm doing SW online which told me weigh-in is this morning even though I only joined last Sunday night so strictly speaking it should be Monday morning, but happy with that for 5 days and hopefully something similar next week. To be honest I'm so fed up of the losing, gaining, losing, gaining cycle of last year I'd much rather be a tortoise if it keeps it off.
I quite like the CG soups but find they need more seasoning so often tart them up with a bit more seasoning and dependant on the soup extra veg eg peas or sweetcorn, some parsley, frozen broad beans etc - that way I get a good 2 portions out of them rather than 2 stingy ones. Today is my last day of soup for lunch - I really don't want to see it again for a long while!
Ah do you know what I've just realised I misread your post and you've bought the book not the cartons - doh! Oh well now I'm sure they're going to be delicious - do give a rating as you make them - I might give them a go myself. I used to subscribe to BBC GoodFood and have just done a cull with my magazines, I'm going to check for soup recips there and let you know if there's any goodies - I recommend the spiced carrot and lentil one .. which is the one I'm currently OD'ing on!
I didn't do make the pasta in the end - not enough eggs ... or motivation! Had a lovely dinner of chicken and chorizo pasta which my fiance made which is delicious but hard for me to figure out syn content. I guess that is what I find hardest about SW is that I like to eat real food also cook more exotic cuisines, not sweetener and cakes made from weetabix and couscous. So although components of my food are free eg chicken, I need to syn all the other ingredients and divide by portion size.
I think I need to do that with my recipes in advance and then I can tot up syns and know what I'm eating- it's just dinners really, everything else I can do as free food. I love to bake, so that might take a back seat for a bit. Hand blenders - I have a Bamix stick blender which is brilliant for grinding, beating, pureeing, liquidising etc. It can even foam up semi-skimmed milk to thicken up like cream which I'll do it the summer I think for smoothies. I really recommend one - but it's pricey though luckily mine was a gift. I've also got a 20 yrd old Braun 300w hand blender which is still going and great for soups. I'll shut up now about kitchenware cos else I'll be banging on about stuff for ages!
You've done so well with your losses prior to SW that I'm sure this'll work really well for you. I did it first in my early 20s when it was just Red and Green and managed to lose 2.5 stone from the heaviest I'd ever been and I never thought I'd get back and actually a little beyond that again. You don't do you? But too much good living and finally being content and happy meant I haven't been keeping an eye on it but it's really affecting me now. I've always been podgy from age 2 and only had a very brief period where I was quite slim and I'd be happy enough to be back there again also from a health perspective too now I'm a bit older.
SW really will work if you stick with it but this time around I am trying not to eat to excess - last time - if it was unlimited I really did stuff myself but this time having to have third of SF food on your plate has mad my dinner portions a lot less massive which can only be a good thing really.
You sound like a gal with a plan so I reckon you'll do just fine
Have you got your first weigh in soon?