yesterdays tracker;
Apple 0pp
Banana 0pp
Rocket salad with balsamic vinegar 0pp
Mushrooms, peppers, spring onions, tomatoes, garlic 0pp
Quorn Chicken Fillet 1pp
Veggie burger 6.5pp
Wedges 6pp
Baked Beans 4pp
Angel delight with biscotti 7pp
Olive oil 1pp
Pine nuts 3.5pp
Walkers Baked - 3pp
32/32pp used.
My mums having a takeaway every week and she's still managing to lose weight!! I did go into my weeklies last week but made more than that up when I got activity points! Im so frustrated! I have measured myself and have lost 1/2" around my waist, but hips, bust, arms, thighs and calves are all the same. I've no idea what I'm doing wrong??!!