Aww, I'm sure you will get results if you stick to plan, although I know it can be frustrating to STS for a couple of weeks, but just try not to put so much pressure on yourself and stick to your guns and the scales will start moving again. Just think, you are living in a healthy way now and not gaining and are heading in the right direction every day.
Slim Fast is the two shakes a day & one healthy meal, right? Ah well, at least you've come to that conclusion now that balanced diet is the best way. I think I've learned over my many losses, halts and gains that slow and steady is the way to do this and DO NOT QUIT, even for a weekend, cos once you're off the wagon, that's when all the damage happens. So I am planning on sticking to this diet (either PP if it works for me, or Discovery, if it doesn't!) until at least Christmas 2011, if not longer, even if I only lose 0.5lb a week. I *have* to do it this time!
As for the tea thing, on QI (sorry, Stephen Fry addict over here!) they said that although tea & coffee are antidiuretics (decrease urine production), the amount of actual water in the drinks themselves outweigh that effect by like 90% or something. Also found this about tea being healthier than water (!!) on the BBC site
BBC NEWS | Health | Tea 'healthier' drink than water Although there will always be contradicting opinions on these things, I guess the best thing to do is try doing one or the other for a week and see if it makes any difference to you personally.