Thanks for the tip Bettie will definitely try that, will pop it on my shopping list this week!
Well I'm going for my 3rd weigh in on Monday but i had a hideous 1st week, constantly cheating but still managed to lose 4 lbs, then lost 8 the next so technically I've been doing it properly for 2 weeks, so far have lost 12 lbs, hoping for big things on Monday! Hope I don't get disappointed lol, either way I'm sticking to it though.
So far just had a soup and a half a litre of water, didn't feel too tempted after serving the kids a breakfast feast, won't go into too much details but it looked delicious!! I think I finally have realised that I'm just too unhappy with my body to contemplate falling off the wagon so easily, but one day at a time I guess.
Vanessa, bowels are great thanks hahaaa, back to normal service!