Morning everyone!!!
I'm feeling bright n breezy which is surprising because I'm suffering from THE worst food hangover EVER. Plus side is that I think I've seen the light lol I've made the decision to keep on and see this through. This weather is already presenting serious challenges in the wardrobe department so I need to get myself sorted pronto, it's just too depressing letting this weight hold me back from looking like the yummy mummy I'm supposed to be lol
V, that made me laugh, you're very accurate rundown of what Emz has missed!!!
Emz, hey chick, yep I've been terrible but going to get back on that saddle!
Morning Bettie, yep I agree with ya there, the amount I used to spend on snacks was obscene!!!
Have a great day ladies and pls don't desert me because today is going to be extra tough for me, starting from scratch again...sighs...