hey hun! welcome back to SW.
(i don't know how to do the wave thingy, so the big grin will have to do

i totally understand your annoyance about people talking whilst the consultant is. now we just all go quite and stare at them till they notice, even Fran (our consultant, brilliant one she is too). they catch on fast LOL.
do you ever fancy something sweet, but like me can't stop at one bar/biscuit? because i found a filling way to have chocolate for only 2 syns. yep, exactly two syns each time.
just empty a sachet of any Options hot chocolate into one of those smaller 170g pots of Total 0 yogurt and add sweetener to taste and wholla, and chocolate mouse/yogurt for only two syns. no guesswork required. and it's sooooo filling and yummy and now i'm drooling LOL.
Now about this bloke. i shall make this really simple.
He's an absolute IDIOT!! look at your pic, you are gorgeous!!! really you are. and you should be so proud of yourself for trying to be the best you can be. this diet isn't just about weight hun. this diet is a lifestyle change made so you can feel good about yourself! i know that right now you probably don't believe me and feel crummy. but think about it, if you feel bad then you are letting him win. he's the one who cheated, the one who gave up on your relationship, he was weak. you are stronger and better and deserve more than that. don't let him make you feel bad about yourself, because that is what he wants, he wants to be better than you, and you shouldn't let that happen. hold you head up high and say "this is me. i am worth everything i desire. i am doing this for me, not anyone else and nothing is going to bring me down"