Dear diary - feeling a bit rubbish this morning. I work for police at the moment in Intelligence, however, I'm in process of applying to be a special constable in my spare time. This is the reason why I'm losing weight.
I set myself the target of:
1) Sending for application form when I've lost 2 stone
2) Posting appication form back when I've lost 3 stone
3) Starting training when I've lost 4 stone.
Anyway, I've got my application, but it needs to be back within 1 month, so there goes number 2 on the list.
Plus, I've just read it through, although the is no fitness test and all my officer collegues think my size is fine etc, the form says you have to have a BMI of between 19 and 30.
My BMI is 39. I'm so gutted, I have to lose another 4 stone before I'm less than 30. I know I can do this in 6 months, but I want it NOW. The silly half of me is thinking about going onto Cambridge SS, but I don't think I can hack it as I love food too much.
If only I had a magic wand hey.