Hey Lou
Sounds like you have had a mad week while I've been away!!
Sorry your boy hasn't lived up to your hopes, they rarely do

In his defence tho, I bet it has been costing you both a fortune to text. I didn't even realise you were lucky enough to have that much contact while he is away. Did his email have the same tone as his previous texts? I dunno what to say, other than boys can be rubbish and really unthoughtful sometimes. I hope he has just been one of those ones and not a knob!
Good for you getting into the online dating. I kinda tried it a few years ago, but because I live in such a small area, I already knew most of the men on the site I was using!!! Needless to say, it wasn't a successful manhunt!
Hope you are alright after your car crash too, sounds just awful. I once wrote off my car, and remember thinking, if only I'd been 10 seconds later, or 10 seconds earlier, it might not have happened... But, thankfully, I got my insurance all sorted fairly quickly and had a new car less than a month later - hope it works out quickly for you.
Hope you are having a good night xx