Hi morning all, i cant believe it is nearly 2 months since I last posted. It is so long that I cant work out how to post on my phone, i thought you just clicked on the thread.....but that is not working, would someone please remind me how to do it! thanks.
A very eventful and carb filled few weeks, eldest DD now in New York and settling in, I probably wont see her til June when i plan on visiting with DD2 and DD3, when they are both finished exams and back at home. I really want to be at my target weight by that time, so I can arrived in New York feeling good! On a positive note the OH came home with a laptop for me recently, so I have that in the kitchen and whenever the girls want to talk I know immediately...bliss. I tried to get on on the bandwagon, but only managed a few days each week. During that time I have tried to work out why I keep falling by the wayside.....I miss vegetables, I know we can have veg but I miss the ones I cant have. i also miss sauces made with flour and also milk. I have read about the 17 day diet, where you change what you eat every 17 days, but it is very restrictive. I have decided to combine Dukan and Atkins, doing Dukan for 14 days and then switching to Atkins, that way I am never more than 14 days form the goodies ofAtkins and when doing Dukan I can have my veg and sauces, not everyday but every second day. I know that low carb is the way for me to go because I loose the craving after a few days, hopefully this will work for me in the long term. The reason I choose Dukan is because a friend has lost 3.5stone in the last 6 months on it.I have also started i HIIT program it last for 20mins 5 days a week and besides toning me up the exercise is having a positive effect on my mood. I have been doing this for 2 weeks now and am quite enjoying it.
I started Dukan on mon 12 lb above my posted weight, I will do it for 2 weeks and then switch to Atkins for 2 weeks.....than I am off to Italy with some friends for a few days...so that is an incentive for the next few weeks. I will try to log on more often as it does keep me on track.
I have been reading all the diaries and hope to catch up over the next few days.