Yolande you DID NOT let anyone down. You've had a tough time & ok, so you turned to food, but you know that you were trying to deal with your emotions, so you've learnt from it. It's ok.
When I had a week that I sts despite being 100% I was a mess all week. It taught me that the scales dictate my mood & eating habits way too much & I won't be using them often when back on normal food. Make that something positive you can take from this, a good lesson learnt.
It's true that you've had good losses so if you even it out it's ok, it won't stop your progress & you'll probably have a great loss this week. After my random sts I've lost 8.5lbs this week. It makes no sense. So just have the packs, drink your water & the weight will go. It has to.
But more importantly, look after yourself. Get back on it & think it's one less blip to have when you're eating again.