WoW!! Now if I'd stuck to plan from January I'd be at goal..........lesson learnt for me? I really hope so!! One full day under my belt and reading your post is a great motivation for just sticking to plan come what may! Those like me who have struggled are struggling or wavering perhaps need to take the atitude if she/he/they can do it so can I. Afterall I imagine everyone who is 100% and stuck to plan for several weeks or months even have similar issues with feeling deprived, hungry, or just wanting to give it up because it is so hard but the thing is you Yolande and many others have stuck to it depsite those feelings, social situations etc because you truly have put yourself first. Certainly for me reading this or coupled with the fact I finally completed a full day yesterday I have realised I have the strength to do this. Thanks so much for sharing your journey and being so motivating!