Can you believe it - 1726 and only just on mini's about 10mins ago. Its an outrage.
I am totally knackered! The party went really well. We had them making pizzas (from dough not bases even), cookies and decorating fairy cakes - which they then ate - RESULT - entertained kids and no extra cost of food buying. They all loved it and ate everything because they'd made it.
I also had the bright spark idea of putting their names using rhinestone crystals on t-shirts. So last night till 2am - I was there sticking 4mm crystals paper to make letter shapes that they could then position and iron on to t-shirts. I will see if we have any photos that I can post of how great they looked. It was worth the effort in the end as it also meant that I didn't need to do party bags (there is a theme here of saving money, have you noticed :8855: - you can take the girl out of scotland, but you can't take Scotland out of the girl and all that!)
Anyhow - the biggest and most exciting news. My new body fat/muscle mass/bone density scales....(I ask you, how can one set of scales measure so much....probably a con, but makes weigh in a bit more interesting)
Apparently, its official, I have heavy bones. The booklet says that bone mass should be greater than 2% and 3% for an ATHLETE - well mine was 3.8% - maybe I am officially an ATHLETE with all my running and that :8855:
I loved the weight they gave me too. Think I might start posting my weight on minis as the weight I am on my own scales cos then I can do it first thing on a Monday morning without the added weight of clothes
Foodwise today has been a bit odd....
Porridge, nuts and seeds etc
1/2 pt skimmed milk (4)
Lunch: picking at cookies, sweets, and general rubbish at the party. (4.5)
Activity points - 2 - caused by my OH going to a neighbour (1.2miles away) last night to "drop something off" - only for him to be dropped off back here at midnight leaving the car (with the stuff for the party in the boot!!!) There was me having to jog round there this morning at 815 to get the bloomin' car. (he is an invalid so he can't walk that far - not that ill to get too p***ed to drive though

Sorry for the long post - will post my new weight tomorrow.
Forgot to add and have just found the edit button...
our hamster died this morning. We seem to be making a habit out of killing hamsters. No idea what caused this one's death. are they allowed sastumas does anyone know. That's the only thing we fed her differently (well when I say we...we all know who eats loads of satsumas....)