Now now Rosie jealousy doesn't become you just be glad for Jen, afterall you get to go to Alton Towers who needs Mexico.
You are right back on track and will soon be sailing down to goal and even beyond
Take care
I only got the gates of Alton Towers and the payment kiosk- none of the good the food!!
I'm not a funfair/amusement park person either-my favourite ride is the burger stand ..LOL
Hiya Rosie.
Hope you have a lovely w/end,how many miles you gonna do on yer bike? x
Rosie, what chocolate is it you eat? I've started to really like dark chocolate.. 2.5 is a good amount of points for a chocolatey snack I feel! The G&B bars are 4.5, which is more than things like crunchies and ripples (and smaller :sigh![]()
Still exercising - 16miles yesterday and will do either a DVD or a bike ride today but my eating is just awful.
Might go back on my W8 foodpacks for a couple of weeks just to get the snacking to stop. Not sure.....why can't we just press a button when we get to target that says "stick" and we can't eat any more than would allow our bodies to stay the same weight - how good would that be! xx