I was fine last Thurs at weigh in, really chuffed and focused...but on Friday something had changed. I think it's cos I knew I was gonna gain as I had tough month ahead - my birthday, oh birthday, trips away for weekends, a festival and holiday to India so I think I've adopted a 'so what' attitude. I'm gonna get back on it tomorrow as I'm working all day, will have a good day on plan to remind myself...Friday and sat are a right off but Sunday will be back on it, right until I go to India the week after. To be fair I haven't done as bad as I ate at Christmas for example and have hardly drank so that must count for something.
An skipping weigh in tonight as I cannae afford it (or the time!!), will weigh in next week and draw a lint under it...plus that gives me sun-thurs to claw some of it back.
Thanks for all thr help guys it really does helpI haven't been on here much the last week as I'm working all hours and I think coming on here makes a big difference. X
Hugs hun, I think you hit the nail on the head when you say something changed on friday, subconsiously you prepared yourself to be naughty what with so many things happening this month but as you say draw a line under it