Don't give up, you have done so well so far, and will start to see the scales move again soon. It's frustrating when you know you are eating sensibly, but nothing seems to move ... but stick with it, and you know you will lose. I find when I don't see the scales drop, I start to 'cheat' a little - a bite of leftover kid's food here, a sneaky sweet there. I would swear these extra calories only put me up to around 1500 day maximum, so I should still be losing, but haven't been. I've decided to be strict about counting the calories in every mouthful. I remember someone saying that if you know your body burns around, say, 1900 calories a day and you keep relatively active and eat less than that, then the maths proves you WILL lose weight. Hold on to that thought, until the scales catch up. Good luck x