Well I am wavering now because I also suspect cornflakes. I KNOW I shouldn't be eating them when (supposedly) Low Carbing, -my bad. So now I am not having Splenda, hazelnuts and cornflakes. I would like to say my eyes are much improved, but maybe the skin has been swollen for so long its stretched like an old balloon
I continue to be BAD. I have days where I can feel myself winding up to look at inspiring reading and hope it carries me off on being good and organised again. But that mood, sadly, doesn't last.
An update: Not sure I mentioned it but we have had the garden remodelled with crazy paving in place of the grass because the dogs were churning it up and running mud and dust everywhere. It looks fab but after it was finished, a week ago my husband found they had punctured a high power water pipe (when our neighbours turned on their well water pump, which we share), and some of the paving had to come up. Its all been mended and looks good again. Also we have a swimming pool and it needs re-grouting. So my husband drained it and has re-grouted the sides and part of the bottom but, as usual each time we drain it, there is water seeping in to it and so some is perpetually damp and we have had it empty for over 7 weeks now hoping it will dry out. This has entailed all his equipment being plonked on the veranda in a messy pile which has to be stepped over every time I go out there. It was suggested we used a coating on the grout to seal it. All this did was stick like cr*p to the tile surface and took DAYS using stripper, to remove. Despite us being told it wouldn't be a problem. IF the pool is cracked somewhere, we dont understand why it doesn't lose water when it's full :lost: -A puzzle.
Just to add to my teeth clenching, I decided I would change all my passwords due to the Heartbleed issue. I thought it would be better to use a password generator because there was glaring holes in my password system

So I downloaded LastPass. Had I have known it wasn't going to be the breeze they suggested it would be, I would have booked into a sanitorium. Instead, I believed the blurb and dived in. I would hate to admit how many hours I have been working on this project. It is trying my patience beyond belief. The idea is simple. The issue, though, seems to be that each website behaves differently. So, each time I generate a new password on each site, I have varying degrees of success. Some take 4 minutes, some fight me tooth and nail. I realise that I get so involved in the process, reacting to prompts as they appear, that I lose track of what exactly I did and wish my son was here to watch this struggle so he can tell me I am being an idiot, or that I am right, it is the vagaries of each site, messing me about. Please don't suggest another system, I am too far down the line to change now. I really could not face it. Anyway, nearly finished.
Today we will be going to a birthday party BBQ. The sun is out and its warm. I plan to take my Kindle and continue reading "Turkey With Stuff In", which is a book written by a lovely lady who's blog I really enjoy. The book tells how she came to live in Turkey in the first place. I am over half way through it and am enjoying it immensely, which was no surprise because her blog is a treat to read. I have suggested she turns her blog into the follow-up book.
I am sorry I haven't been around much. I am floundering diet-wise and don't want to bore y'all with the stupidity of my day to day dithering. I have NOT given up