Lynne: Low Carb Fan

Oh that's interesting. Will give it a try! As for the spaghetti squash. I cooked it many years ago in the UK. My sons did not appreciate the switch from real pasta and still remind me of that, even though they are now well into their 30's. I would love to find it here and try again to see if its as bad as they said it was. It seemed fine to me, and I wonder if they would actually like it now they are older, by couple of decades.
Just back from hospital. There's no polyp but inflammation due to allergy. I have had a steroid shot in the b*m and have TWO lots of pills to take plus a nasal spray. I have never had such a lot of allergy trouble!!!!! My eyes aren't as bad as they were, and I dont know if the sinus problem is triggered by the same thing as my eyes. I haven't had Splenda for about 2 months. As I say, the eyes are better but still not right. I have resumed having hazelnuts and so far I havent felt that the eyes are getting bad again. While I was in the supermarket I found 4 Stevia products, 2 of the tablet type and two of the granular type but they had a mix of all sorts of stuff including lactose (or something), so IF I decide to try Stevia, I will ask someone to get it from the UK and I will ensure it is pure. Meanwhile when I have a mim, I slightly sweeten it with honey.

I think I now have a butternut squash. I remember when I first discovered Atkins, I used to fry squash as a chip replacement. But i will use it as a sweet potato replacement for some recipes I now have :)
Morning Lynne

Oh my word love you have had a lot going on - our lives are more action packed than soap operas eh?

I completely hear you on the social thing - I can talk for England, but I also really value my quiet time on my own, so I tend to be very choosy about what social events I go to. The BBQ this afternoon will have a couple of friends I haven't seen in a long time - otherwise I'd probably not go, tbh. One 'friend' always has a go at me "we're so worried about you..." blah blah - but what that really means is, "I've got no one to sit at the pub with and patronise" so I've life laundried her! Who needs negative influences like that! :D

Also get you on the doc front - it sometimes feels like the NHS allows about 5 minutes per patient, so you have to talk at breakneck speed! When you described your symptoms, I did think "allergy" - I get the same, all year round. It has been particularly bad this week though, my eyes were soooooo itchy, and that was after taking my morning cetirizine :( I can't remember, do you take a hayfever tablet every day? If not, why not give that a go - you can get them over the counter. They might take a few days to get hold of it, but I'd be much worse if I didn't take one each morning - and have done since i arrived in London many years ago - had a scratch test done and the doc said I was allergic to dust and pollution. Great....

Hi Susie! Its so good to see that I am not the only person who is choosing her company really selectively. I feel so spikey and vulnerable (and this is the only place I have mentioned it), I just don't want anyone getting under my skin. Some people are only happy if they can put you down in some way to make themselves feel superior. Then theres the tricky ones who you thought you knew then realise they are two faced. Its a good thing I have some absolutely lovely friends here, but I am aware I can be a total pain with them (poor perishers) because its THEM who I sometimes unload my concerns to, and its TOO much, not fair. I ended up writing an apologetic email to a poor lady I had met at the knitting club because I was fed up that day and she was nice and it all fell out of my mouth. I could hear myself doing it and still couldn't stop!! Sometimes I think its best to just be alone. There's 2 ways of looking at it, the nice ones understand and, in truth no one's life is perfect and to hear other people's troubles puts things in perspective. But the other way of looking at it is that if you 'share' with the wrong person, you have opened yourself up to being gossiped about behind your back. :(

You asked if I am taking anti allergy pills. Well months ago I got some pills from the hospital, but he said when they run out, to try over the counter. To be honest the pills he gave me didn't solve the problem. So I got Allegra which is OK with Glaucoma. My eyes seemed to settle and I didn't know if it was because or Allegra or the fact I was not eating something that might have been provoking me. We had a hay fever spell when I sneezed a lot, so I was talking the Allegra and when that season seemed to stop, I stopped the Allegra, and was happy my eyes weren't swollen and I wasn't sneezing fit to explode. BUT my nose was dripping constantly, I had pain in my left sinus area and it felt like I had something moving 'in there'. Weird. I sometimes use a neti-pot with a tiny bit of sea salt in, to flush the sinuses. But that wouldn't even work, nothing would go into my sinuses when my head was tipped forward. I don't understand this as I could breath through them and NEVER had any problem breathing through my nose even in bed! Well the ENT bloke looked up my nose and in my ears and felt my glands and looked at the CT scan and said "ALLERGY". This is something SO different to anything I have had before, it is foxing me, i do wonder if you get more sensitive to allergens as you go past menopause??. So, he has given me those pills again, plus another pill, both for evening, plus a nasal spray. My nose is no longer constantly running but I can still feel that weird moving feeling in my left sinus. I thought it could be a polyp, but he is adamant there isn't one there.

I laughed at your comment about 'action packed', people asked what we'd do with ourselves here and it seems actually we can be very occupied with household things and the social sde plus ur pets. Yes we have slowed down. But then, we were aiming for that anyway.

I am sure the docs here allow 5 mins each, but I tell you what you are very unlikely to have when you go for a check-up at the docs or the hospital in the UK....... -people barging in. Turks are very gregarious people and don't consider privacy and also don't consider waiting their turn to be necessary. So, you can be in with the doctor, with part of your anatomy revealed and in walks a patient who wants to just ask the doc a question!!!! I am happy to say that some departments are laid out so they can't see you, like when you are in with the gynae (say) but the mammography dept opens straight on to a corridor with chairs opposite the door and (wouldn't you know it) men sit there..... When I went to have the steroid injection, there I was, face down on the couch with my ample buttocks pointing towards the door and the door was flung open and a conversation ensued while waiting patients enjoyed my 'southern smile'. :mad:

Yes, I do plan to take the Allegra on a permanent basis, once I have finished the meds the doc gave me. I had hoped I had found the cause of my allergies, and though my eyes seem better (but I am still unsure why) it seems that without the pills I am getting other symptoms. This is something I am not used to, so it caught me out. So, pills it must be. I cant live with all the symptoms, and why should I?
BTW, I did the butternut squash as wedges tossed in coconut oil with chilli and roasted them. Yes they were a bit sweet, but I served with a beef and okra curry and it was really nice. I have frozen the other half of the curry. Nice to know we have that to look forward to. I have found a site called, which is a very good site for Keto dieters and his recipes are a reflection of the style of the site, -lively and interesting. He is just an email away. He's a young chap and web designer. I have downloaded one of his cook books and will get the other when he has finished tweaking it. I love having cookbooks on my Kindle because you can do a search through ALL of them in one go, to find a recipe for a specific ingredient. Which is very handy and can save hours of searching. His recipes are in 'cups' (which is a shame, but he is American), but he has all the nutritional info there and though its possibly higher carb that Atkins, I like the choice, and tastiness of his recipes.
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Some people are only happy if they can put you down in some way to make themselves feel superior

I feel exactly the same hun - the bereavements really made me realise who were true friends and who just went through the motions - and I tell you what, it was so liberating to unfriend those ones on FB - even though one sent me an angry text defending the cr*p way she'd behaved to me. SO off my Christmas card list! :D

We had a hay fever spell when I sneezed a lot, so I was talking the Allegra and when that season seemed to stop, I stopped the Allegra, and was happy my eyes weren't swollen and I wasn't sneezing fit to explode. BUT my nose was dripping constantly, I had pain in my left sinus area and it felt like I had something moving 'in there'.

Oh hun I would take the allegra every day - try it for a week or two and see if everything improves. I take one every morning, in fact it's the first thing I do after waking up and seeing if I remember my name LOL. The effect only stays in your body for a day or two so that's why it['s a daily pill. Sounds like you might have what I have - chronic allergic rhinitis. I avoid nasal sprays like the plague, they just make it worse.

I laughed at your comment about 'action packed'
- LOl I meant with the pool dramas and all - has it dried out now?

When I went to have the steroid injection, there I was, face down on the couch with my ample buttocks pointing towards the door and the door was flung open and a conversation ensued while waiting patients enjoyed my 'southern smile'. :mad:
OH. MY. GOD!!! I so could not cope with that! Although on my first/last mammogram I found myself sharing the room with several uninvited medical students...
Susie, I took a packet and a half of the Allegra, so I know it works. But the thing was I was only focussint on my eyes, when theyy improved and the sneezing stopped, I thought the hayfever here was over AND that my eyes were better due to me thinking Splenda was what made them swell, and I haven't had Splenda in 2 months now. So I stopped the Allegra and it took a while for me to realise my nose was constantly running, and getting increasingly tender in the sinuses. As I say, I have never experienced THIS before. I have to be careful because of the glaucoma and so, I have checked, the Allegra is OK with Glaucoma. But I think the nasal spray isn't OK long term. So, I will see how things go. If my eyes are better (due to stopping Splenda) maybe I can find a nasal spray that IS ok with Glaucoma. Duh, why isnt anything simple. -I hate taking pills, but I hate being drippy and puffy even more, LOL!

The saying 'Walk a mile in another man's shoes", is so apt. People can be so smug and judgmental till they find themselves in the same position. I have seen it so much. My husband says I demand too much from friends. Sorry, he has boozing mates and I think that can be a different thing to a girl's friends (or some girl's friends). I want soul sisters. When I was younger I knew a lot of people but only had 2 real best friends. Frankly I would rather be alone than feeling judged. I am a free spirit in my own little way. I can be a right miserable old crab but my spirit also flies and enjoys being free :D I have a good sense of the ridiculous too and love nothing more than just having a silly laugh with someone on my wavelength. Thankfully I know a quite a few people who fit that bill here. :p

Good for you for unfriending the people who made you feel bad. Life's too short. When it comes to losing a loved one, you do tend to feel very alone and that everyone is living their normal life without a clue what has just smashed your life to bits. Its not their fault that you are suddenly seeing life through a zoom lens and your feelings are raw. BUT some people can be very smug or callous about your ripped feelings and really its very unfair.

The pool is ALMOST ready to grout. The weather is dry and has been for two whole days "woooo" so, maybe later today, or tomorrow, he can get it finished. Its a couple of patches amounting to about three square metres, so, wont take long. THEN the equipment can ALL be put away. Why he has to leave EVERYTHING out, I don't know. And every day theres grout or paint up the wall and on the sink. I just wish I had had a sink put in the shed for him to wash stuff out in, -aargh!!!

Speaking of smugness, I am SO smug now, I have vacuumed and all looks great (it wont last, the dogs rule here), but at least I know I have done it.
Ooh, a bit of a loss, which I am happy about. I haven't been tracking my carbs, which is naughty, but at least I have been trying to be good. We have had butternut squash and I am loving it. I am sure there must be a regular source of it her, just need to get bum in gear and go to the market. Supermarkets are handy for us (because we are often only in the area on non market days) and they don't seem to regularly stock squashes.

Today I plan to have as a ME day. I have my Kindle revved up and waiting me to read it. I am also going to do a LITTLE bit of exercise. I spent most of yesterday doing housework, so that will have to do, till tomorrow. The sun is shining and I want to take advantage before it gets too hot. :)
The 'me day' didn't happen really. it was hijacked by family dramas which included my youngest and me getting a rare chance to chat and while doing so, our grandson, broke a glass, blood everywhere, my son totally freaking and there's me, so many miles away. I shouted at him to wrap it in a clean tea towel because he was freaking and shouting "I don't know what to do" over and over. It was only after that I realised I should have told him to check the wound for glass, but by then he had rung off to call his wife to get her to come home so they could go to hospital. Later he called from casualty to say all was fine and was very shocked and sheepish about his reaction. Trouble is, he always was the son who would black out over blood........ You can't change, can you!

I have resumed making Milk Kefir, which is a probiotic drink. I also make Water Kefir. On sunday I drank a lot of the Milk Kefir and my stomach was working like a cauldron. Bubbling away. Not tense or painful, but there was some sort of war breaking out. So, yesterday, I decided to have The Milk Kefir for breakfast and lunch and Water Kefir late afternoon. I felt it might be a sort of detox where the bugs get the best chance to do their stuff. My stomach actually was quite placid, maybe the war was won the day before. I have just hat the Milk Kefir for breakfast again. I don't have a clue as to how many carbs there are in it, it largely depends on how fermented it is and that depends on ratios of grains to milk, and temperature. So, though I have entered it into my food tracker, the stats are from a commercially made Kefir and I doubt my Kefir is the same. What are the chances? But I have lost a little weight (yes the weight I keep losing and regaining).
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Someone has pointed me in the direction of a very interesting sounding Organic toiletries company owned by a friend of theirs. I have to say it all sounds very good and I had a query which was promptly answered in full by the owner. Susie, its in Southend :) Have a look :) Home
If I do, it wont be till October, when I am in UK. I don't need anything at the mo anyway. Will keep you informed.
Courtesy of Susie getting my attention with the juicing diet, I have been eyeing up Joe's (Aussie) site and Jason's (English) site. I have downloaded some free info from both. Today I headed off to the supermarket in the hope I could get some of the veggies I needed. Epic fail. Tons of fruit (OK I got a watermelon) but I don't want loads of fruit, I don't want to spike my blood sugar. These sites seem to use apples and limes, maybe pineapple, but mostly veggies like kale, celery, beetroot and the like. Ok I got limes, ginger, cucumber, beetroot, carrots. Yes I have other things that might not be on their food lists. But maybe I could put some peppers in the mix. There was no kale, but there was a leafy veg that was so limp, I decided not to buy. No celery, but that wasn't a surprise, its rare here. No Broccoli, its out of season and not easy to find. Upshot is that I might have enough to give it a try for a day or two. Or less if I don't like it, LOL!!!

I had a 'funny turn' today. I almost blacked out (giddy, dimmed sight and slow speech). Its probably my fault, but not 100% sure. I don't eat brekky first thing. and recently (the last week or so), I have been only eating when I feel hungry. Today I got up and was busy, forgot to eat before I went out. Ordered a carby brunch (noon) in the form of a pizza and a few mins later I began to lose it. I spent half an hour trying to keep my head down with ice on my neck (embarrassing or what), in the restaurant. It was a very hot day. Now here's the thing: Last October I had the same after eating fish and chips. Then in april I had a funny do lasting about 3 mins after getting out of the car and going into a lighting shop. Later same happened as I got out of the car to go into a restaurant. I have been monitoring my blood pressure for over a week now and its a bit low. I know the eye drops I use can cause low blood pressure but last October I wasn't on them. Yes I will go to the hospital about this. I have added 'almost fainting' to the list I am going to print off to take with me to the hospital. I am NOT looking forward to this because I feel you are not so much processed on your symptoms, more on a fast turnover basis and us expats need a translator, so we can suffer from the possibility of chinese whispers (using a translator) and the fact that maybe the doc is frustrated at the time taken :( OK so I am sounding like I have given up before I have started. Its an unattractive trait of mine. Sorry.
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Omg sounds scary! Are you feeling better now?
Yes it lasted half an hour or so. If I put my head down I felt better, but found I was talking slowly. But If I sat up, I could feel the numbness creeping over me and my vision was darkening. I'd had a couple of mineral waters before it hit me. Then I had a coffee and gradually I got to a point where I felt about right. The wife of the owner of the restaurant took my PB and it was a little low. It might have been a touch of dehydration.
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OMG hun that is very scary! Stay strong when you go to the hospital and just get determined to make the doc tell you what's going on!

Having said that, I get dizzy in hot weather, and as you say it's usually dehydration.

Take care of yourself xxxx
Guess what? The pool is still damp in places. Temperatures are in the mid 30c's. I will take great pleasure when I can announce it's finally grouted and full of water because this is getting beyond a joke.

I have had so many odd symptoms lately and don't know if any of them are connected, so I hope the doc takes the time to consider any possible connection between them all rather than hearing my list and concluding I am a hypochondriac (maybe I am! :/), I just feel something isn't right.

Had a lousy night's sleep, Muffin had a bad tum and she was very good and kept telling me, while I half dozed and in the end I got up to let her out. But she didnt settle after, so I think I had 2 hours sleep with odds and sods of shut eye till I got up.

And so to juicing. Its a hot day (30c indoors). A good day for a cool juice. I began day with lemon juice in water. Then later discovered that I could work up a sweat while toning up, looking in the dark recesses of our corner base using for the juicing machine. Lo, when I found it, it was coated in the remains of my DH's last juicing session. SO I washed it and scrubbed in all the nooks and crannies. Then I got the lemons, carrots and apples lined up. I have watched these juicing videos where they get whole fruits have a deeply satisfying time putting one item after the other down the chute and the juice comes out into the glass, while smiling at the camera. Well chaps, here is how it went with me. I put the carrots into the juicer and then some apple, cut into smallish slivers that were chute friendly. the spout was low and I realised I needed a bigger container, but it wouldn't fit under the spout, so I found a pyrex casserole and put the juicer on that and continued to juice but the bowl was heading in one direction while the juice container was heading in another. SO, I put the juicer on the table and turned the casserole over and juiced straight into that and had a funnel in a bottle for the juice. Then Sally threw up..... I was dripping with sweat by the time I had finished juicing enough for two large glasses of juice. My conclusion? 1/ I need a jug that isn't too high to fit under the spout 2/ I need to make sure everything is chute sized before I start 3/ I need to clean out the juicer basket more than twice because it gets so full it unbalances 4/ Maybe I should have had a fan on or the air con, to cool me down while I juicer wrestle (is 'Juicer Wrestling' part of the diet, I wonder, as a calorie burner and toner upper). 5/ To have all the fruit and veggies necessary for a week of juicing, would require a refrigerated larder extension to the house. 6/ The only juice I had enough ingredients to make from the breakfast suggestions was apple, lemon, carrot IT IS DELICIOUS!!!! :D
OH Lynne you poor love but omg how I laughed! (not at Sally's poor tum, obviously).

I had a similar experience this morning, and felt like I'd had a similar workout! FORTY MINUTES later I have my juices for the day....

But just think how squeaky clean our insides will be :D
Haaa, Susie, I am glad it wasn't just me, LOL!!! The resulting juice was so good and I am sure it will go better next time. (maybe later this afternoon). But things are sketchy for me because I wasn't able to get the necessary ingredients to do it 100%. We live half hour drive from the markets. There IS one today here, but (forgive me) its so hot I am still trying to talk self into braving it.
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I have just made an indulgent smoothie with our neighbours peaches, milk kefir and (the indulgence bit) some vanilla ice cream. It was FAB!!!!! :7834: