Hi Susie! Its so good to see that I am not the only person who is choosing her company really selectively. I feel so spikey and vulnerable (and this is the only place I have mentioned it), I just don't want anyone getting under my skin. Some people are only happy if they can put you down in some way to make themselves feel superior. Then theres the tricky ones who you thought you knew then realise they are two faced. Its a good thing I have some absolutely lovely friends here, but I am aware I can be a total pain with them (poor perishers) because its THEM who I sometimes unload my concerns to, and its TOO much, not fair. I ended up writing an apologetic email to a poor lady I had met at the knitting club because I was fed up that day and she was nice and it all fell out of my mouth. I could hear myself doing it and still couldn't stop!! Sometimes I think its best to just be alone. There's 2 ways of looking at it, the nice ones understand and, in truth no one's life is perfect and to hear other people's troubles puts things in perspective. But the other way of looking at it is that if you 'share' with the wrong person, you have opened yourself up to being gossiped about behind your back.
You asked if I am taking anti allergy pills. Well months ago I got some pills from the hospital, but he said when they run out, to try over the counter. To be honest the pills he gave me didn't solve the problem. So I got Allegra which is OK with Glaucoma. My eyes seemed to settle and I didn't know if it was because or Allegra or the fact I was not eating something that might have been provoking me. We had a hay fever spell when I sneezed a lot, so I was talking the Allegra and when that season seemed to stop, I stopped the Allegra, and was happy my eyes weren't swollen and I wasn't sneezing fit to explode. BUT my nose was dripping constantly, I had pain in my left sinus area and it felt like I had something moving 'in there'. Weird. I sometimes use a neti-pot with a tiny bit of sea salt in, to flush the sinuses. But that wouldn't even work, nothing would go into my sinuses when my head was tipped forward. I don't understand this as I could breath through them and NEVER had any problem breathing through my nose even in bed! Well the ENT bloke looked up my nose and in my ears and felt my glands and looked at the CT scan and said "ALLERGY". This is something SO different to anything I have had before, it is foxing me, i do wonder if you get more sensitive to allergens as you go past menopause??. So, he has given me those pills again, plus another pill, both for evening, plus a nasal spray. My nose is no longer constantly running but I can still feel that weird moving feeling in my left sinus. I thought it could be a polyp, but he is adamant there isn't one there.
I laughed at your comment about 'action packed', people asked what we'd do with ourselves here and it seems actually we can be very occupied with household things and the social sde plus ur pets. Yes we have slowed down. But then, we were aiming for that anyway.
I am sure the docs here allow 5 mins each, but I tell you what you are very unlikely to have when you go for a check-up at the docs or the hospital in the UK....... -people barging in. Turks are very gregarious people and don't consider privacy and also don't consider waiting their turn to be necessary. So, you can be in with the doctor, with part of your anatomy revealed and in walks a patient who wants to just ask the doc a question!!!! I am happy to say that some departments are laid out so they can't see you, like when you are in with the gynae (say) but the mammography dept opens straight on to a corridor with chairs opposite the door and (wouldn't you know it)
men sit there..... When I went to have the steroid injection, there I was, face down on the couch with my ample buttocks pointing towards the door and the door was flung open and a conversation ensued while waiting patients enjoyed my 'southern smile'.
Yes, I do plan to take the Allegra on a permanent basis, once I have finished the meds the doc gave me. I had hoped I had found the cause of my allergies, and though my eyes seem better (but I am still unsure why) it seems that without the pills I am getting other symptoms. This is something I am not used to, so it caught me out. So, pills it must be. I cant live with all the symptoms, and why should I?