Marathon Training

Its on 26 May, so I've still got time to biuld back up. Doing Liverpool half on 17 March as well.
youve got more time than me! got a half in 3 weeks, and my full is 9 weeks.
Gosh, 9 weeks will fly by. You're up to 15 miles now aren't you? How was that? Getting past the half marathon distance is what it worrying me the most.
it was alright at 15 miles, started with pains at 10 miles but nothing unbearable.
its 15 next week, then it jumps to 17.5 miles the week after. im also doing a half marathon that day my milage goes up again, might do a quick 4.5 miles in the park after it
oh no, get an ice pack or some frozen pea's on that ankle! hope it heals soon for you :(

my distance tracker died on me too, ut i knew i had 3 miles until the run home left when it died on me. lucky my HRM has a timer on it

itsvawful having no idea how i did, felt terrible to be honest, going by what music id listened to i think id done maybe just under 20 minutes before my ankle went, then whatever walking jogging i did to get back home.

ankles feeling better now and tomorrow shouls be a rest day... im tempted to do something but think ill leave it as restday as i can make sure my ankles okay then, on.monday i might stick with the crosstrainer as its easier on the snakles.

I'm sad today ladies, my knees couldn't cope and I had to walk home :-(

Going to have to go to the docs and hope they take me seriously, I'm scared they won't for some reason?

sorry to hear it didnt go well. go to the docs at least if they can do anything you can get it sorted before it gets worse and quickly so you can get back to training.

as far as i know ive run about 4 - 5 miles before (i know not much at all) how quickly did you build. up to running half marathons? theres one i wanted to do in march but dont know if thats going to give mw enough time. to push myself. when not measuring distance ive run 45 minutes none stop.
Donna - I managed the jump from running 7-8 miles up to running half marathon distance in 4 weeks. But the bit in between, from running 3-4 miles to 7 - 8 miles took me a few months. That said, I didn't have a race or anything to aim from. I think if you do, it will give an extra push.

Also, with a half marathon, even if you can't manage to run it all, you would definitely get round in a walk/jog/ run combination?
thats what i did on my first half, i ran/walked/jogged :)
found now im doing a better time on 13 miles doing all jogging, and avoiding going quick. it works for me, so im sticking to that plan. i did 13 miles in around 2hrs 40 yesterday, my race half time was close to 3 hours
im not acheing at all, very surprised at that.....

im down to do 3 on tommorows run, but that seems light. down to do 7.5 miles on tuesday but i have a gym class that day, might switch them round.
do 7.5 tommorow, and 3 on tuesday :)
Which marathon are you doing? I've got Paris in 9 weeks and I'm somewhat behind on training!

mines in blackpool, the same day as yours!

done another 6 miles tonight, started out good weather then it was hail. wasnt nice being pelted with bits of ice in my face. didnt let it put me off the run, if anything i was faster in that!!
its a customised one off asics, got it so my normal runs are on mon, tues and thursday, longer run is on saturday. i do an additional run on friday but thats only to the gym, its only a mile away from work
Which marathon are you doing? I've got Paris in 9 weeks and I'm somewhat behind on training!

Hey Phoenyx - I'm doing Paris too. I can't wait!! I ran 17 miles on Saturday and planning 18 for next Saturday, but not sure how I'm going to manage 26.2!! Is this your first marathon? It is mine.
Did another 4 miles today in gale force winds and battering rain. Slowly but surely building the frequency of runs back up, and loving being back into it again!
My marathons same day as my brothers 30th, only run he isn't doing!
My marathon is on my mums Birthday and she's running it too :)

Doubt Barry would do a run on his birthday! Not that his wife would let him since she's got a plan for that day!
My mums a running nut, we were actually really surprised as she wasn't going to do a marathon this year (she did Amsterdam last year and was planning on just doing halves this year) I was also planning on just doing halves as I haven't run that far yet, but one day when we got back from running club (I drive to hers and we car share there) her partner got all excited asking if we'd heard about the new marathon and it was on mums Birthday, crazy thing is she normally doesn't like mum doing marathons, so we both decided to go for it.
My marathon is on my mums Birthday and she's running it too :)
It's good you have family into running aswell!
The main runner in my fam is my brother, he's done a few runs now inc 2 marathons. He takes it seriously too, was even dissapointed to finish it in 4hrs 15!!!

My fam are sports nuts, dad used to play football but quit due to injury, cousins a pro boxer....