First of all - good luck tomorrow at the interview! Remember to not stress out too much, maybe make a list of things you know you'd like to cover and mention as well as any questions you want to ask them. The only reason I say this, is that if you're anything like me and tend to overthink things, making a small list like that gives a good fallback to refer to when the mind goes blank from a bit of anxiety of the situation. It's very intimidating to have people ask personal questions and then having to make yourself seem amazing when internally you might not feel that way. I know I have zero self-confidence and always put my achievements down and not mention things even if they're relevant because I HATE talking about myself. Remember your mantra now - "just do it!".

You can do this! I'm rooting for you
I liked your list of personal achievements, can I suggest making a little list of them everyday? Little things that made you feel good to have achieved. I'm like you, I hate going outside or doing "adulty" things - I don't know why I was freaking out so much over taking my own car in for service

But I did it somehow too! Yay go us! And don't even get me started on phone calls... haha everyone always laughs at me running away at the sound of it ringing, I'm better now though having been forced to deal with it at various employment positions, but I'll never stop disliking it
Yay for PC gamers! I like simulation games too, I have played SimCity and others. Have you tried Prison Architect? It's pretty addictive! I like strategy games too - combat strategy like CiV or Red Alert

Mostly I sit in Adventure RPG's (Skyrim and I'm looking forward to trying out Witcher III / Fallout, maybe even Dark Souls III if I'm brave enough to die even 2 seconds...) or MMO's though, my vice is World of Warcraft among many!

Not too big into FPS games though as I get very nauseous from the first person perspective.
And no, you're not just a consumerist who is brand loyal - you just got used to iOS. They're said to be easy to use and intuitive. Still I can't justify the price and I prefer a phone I can customise and tailor to how I like it to look and function - which is something Android excels at.

Plus Apple products frustrate me to hell and back, there's so many limitations it's not even funny. But can I just say... Nokia 3330. Wow.

Would you ever go back after experiencing touch-screen goodness?