Mark's Diary!

Good luck Mark, it's good that you have found motivation and you actually feel different - in a positive and determined way. It's what will keep you going. :)

Take it one day at a time and you will get where you want to be before you know it! :D
This week lost 3lbs.

I have been doing a food diary. I seem to be comsuming 1,800kcal a day on average. This seems to be working for me.

I am now trying to give up or at the very least severely reduce soft drink intank - especially that of the 'diet' kind (artificial sweetner).

It will be hard, but not impossible, because I really dislike drinking plain water.
Well done Mark :)
Thing with diet soda, it's really down to you, I do understand concerns over artificial sweetener, but I've not really read any studies that confirm that they are harmful in small doses. If you eat a whole boat load (i.e. quantity that you'd fit in a room) then yes, they are bad, but so is everything in such high doses.

In fact, I actually read a study the other day that disproved a lot of the negative aspects of diet soda consumption and showed that it actually helped with weight loss and maintenance over individuals who stuck to plain water. If anything, the only bad thing to consume is the sugary soda and fruit juice is the same. Still highly concentrated sugar-free fruit flavourings are also a good option!

So a little bit is really not so bad in my opinion, but it's down to you and your own reasons for giving it up. :)
Thanks guys :D There is much more to lose. Just taking it one day at a time.

The primary reason why I am trying to cut out artificial sweetners, more specifically aspartame, is because I was watching a documentary on YouTube called Sweet Misery. The idea came because my personal trainer is trying to encourage me to not drink as much soft drinks. I feel that I resonate a lot with some of the controversial links which concluded with the documentary regarding aspartame: anxiety & depression.

Now I really hate being the centre of attention. I didn't mention this on my original post because of it and I didn't want anyone to think less of me.

But as this is my diary I might as well share my journey and story.

I think the primary reason for motivating myself to pursue becomming more healthy is because I concluded there is something, one last thing I could do, to make myself feel happier.

When I finally had the courage after 2 years to share my feelings with a person and got rejected. It hurt. Much more than I imagined possible. I had suicidal thoughts. I remember the day as if it was yesterday. I left work and went the 'slow' non-motorway route home. About 1/4 way in my colleague who I spoke to for advice about sharing feelings and such telephoned me so I parked in a side road and received the call. The colleague suggested I go home and tell my parents what happened. But how could I tell them? What would I tell them about my failures? About 5/10 mins later of crying I thought to myself f-it and went on the motorway, radio blasting with no particular place to go. Let's just say in the end I reached a relatives house in record time.
Taking one day at a time is key to success! There's no need to look at the big picture as its so daunting, but so long as it's moving in the right direction, that's all that matters. :)

I appreciate what you say about artificial sweeteners and while I suffer from clinical depression, I never found it to affect me, but everyone is different in that regard. If you find that it makes a difference for you personally, then by all means, do cut it out as much as possible! Equally however, sugar in all forms is also bad as has been likened to a drug with addictive properties, so I actually tend to stay away from that as much as possible as I do notice a big shift in my mental and physical health (and the weird cravings and irrational behaviour o_O).

I completely understand hating being the centre of attention. Please, never think anyone would ever think less of you here. This is a safe space to share what you feel you want to, we're here to support everyone equally, no matter how small or big a problem is. And at the end of the day, we will never know you in real life - this is why talking with strangers is sometimes easier as there is no judgement, no imposition of personal views. We have all gone through awful times and sometimes personal experiences from others can be beneficial.

I'm sorry you went through a hard time with being rejected, it's a horrible isolating feeling. It's not a failure and not a reflection on you as an individual. The other person may not have been in a place for something more, or sometimes they develop feelings that aren't quite like your own. It's natural course of life, I've gone through a fair share of failed connections where I've misjudged or didn't get the result I wanted, but the main thing to remember is that it's not my fault. There is nothing one can do to influence how someone else feels about you. Well done for reaching out to a friend and discussing it. I'm glad you were safe and thought it through.

I hope your week is going well x
This week lost 2¾ lbs which means I now weigh 20st ¾lb

Will be smashing through the 19s next week.

Took car for service today. Walked a distance of 8.7 miles at a leisurely pace. Took 5 hours including lunch and a rest. Might also of had a cry in the woods, lol.

Thanks for sharing your personal experience here. I found it interesting to read. I'm pleased I wrote what I wrote on Friday I was very self-conscience of what reaction it would bring.
Mark, you seem to be do so well and are having such good losses each week. And you're nearly at your first target - yay!

I have a lot to lose too, and it can seem so daunting. But you seem so determined to get there this time. Best of luck!
My personal trainer is away this week. I was off yesterday and it was such a nice day I took the initiative to do three laps around the fields in my local area non stop hills [steep] and all. Really proud of myself actually. Considering 3 months ago I could not even go up one hill without stopping mid-way feeling breathless.

Today I weighed myself: 19st 11¾lbs.

First mission accomplished.

This I feel is deserving of a new phone. I ordered one today.

My feeling is if you're going to do something you might as well do it properly. Therefore I have revised my long term goal and put in another one.

Mid-term goal
Mid term is to get down to 17st. I remember that figure when I was in High School. It would be a real achievement.

Intermediate goal
16st 3lbs - I would be categorized as 'Overweight' rather than 'Obese'. That would be brilliant.

Long-term goal
Why stop short of being classified as 'Healthy'? Let's push the full way to 25BMI or 13st 7lbs whilst I am here.
Wow! I'm really impressed, you're an inspiration! You're doing so so well, not just with the weight loss, but also the fitness, I wish I could have enough motivation to get a personal trainer as I do remember actually liking running once I got through that awful hump of getting used to it.

Your goals are realistic and achievable, it's good to set small ones along the way, because ticking things off a list is so satisfying! :D

What phone did you order? :)
Just to clarify. I am still walking. My trainer gets me to jog in ten second bursts now. Yesterday I did try jogging for a while certainly not up hill, lol!

Another reason why I think I am motivated: I am beginning to realize I 'locked' myself in my bedroom playing computer games to avoid being a victim...However, perhaps ironically, inadvertedly became one. When I think about myself (which I despise - another motivation to lose weight) I am inexperienced in life.

I feel I am being left behind. All the people I grew up with have either moved out of their parents house and/or getting married.

I don't have any friends, I don't enjoy life. I am currently in the process of changing that.

Anyway thanks Minerva for your constant feedback.

I was going to buy a new iPhone SE but decided it was a waste of money so just getting an iPhone 5c for approx 1/3 the price.
Now I can install some fitness apps - my current phone is too old (iPhone 4)!
Sorry I misunderstood, walking is still good progress! Small steps and soon you'll be running up that hill! :D

I can sympathise with the locking yourself in and becoming the victim... At my biggest I would avoid going outside, even going to the corner shop terrified me as I didn't want to be seen. I, too, resorted to getting lost in videogames as an escape. I'm a PC gamer still, but nowhere near as much as I used to be. What kinds of games did you play?
Even at 30 I still feel like I'm left behind in experience of life, I see other people do so much more, achieve so much more, but at the end of the day... I realised, that comparing myself to others isn't helpful. You are living your life for yourself and your pace is just a bit different, there is no one who is measuring any successes or failures. We can't measure those things, for example something that is a HUGE step for me (like public speaking or even things like arranging my own car insurance) may not seem like a big thing to someone else, but the main point is that you DID it and you didn't think you could. It's about breaking your own comfort zone every once in a while - which I can see you are doing. You're seeming a lot more confident and soon the day will come where you will feel you can take a bigger step and it won't cause anxiety or stress as much as it did let's say, a year ago. Every once in a while try to look back to see how far you've come and you will feel proud. :)

And yay new phone ^_^ I don't rate iPhones highly personally - I'm a lover of my Android systems, but each to their own. It's always exciting to upgrade!
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Thanks guys :D

I really hope I will run up that hill when I am classified as 'healthy'.

I remember my childhood friend running up that hill. I thought to myself "I wish I could do that" ... It would be a personal achievement if I could do that. Maybe I need to speak to my trainer?

I'm a PC gamer too. I like simulation games (prefer SimCity, not really the Sims), first-person-shooters (Counter-Strike, Battlefield) and strategy games (Europa Universalis/Crusader Kings, Rome: Total War). Yourself?

I realised, that comparing myself to others isn't helpful. You are living your life for yourself and your pace is just a bit different, there is no one who is measuring any successes or failures. We can't measure those things, for example something that is a HUGE step for me (like public speaking or even things like arranging my own car insurance) may not seem like a big thing to someone else, but the main point is that you DID it and you didn't think you could. It's about breaking your own comfort zone every once in a while - which I can see you are doing. You're seeming a lot more confident and soon the day will come where you will feel you can take a bigger step and it won't cause anxiety or stress as much as it did let's say, a year ago. Every once in a while try to look back to see how far you've come and you will feel proud. :)

And yay new phone ^_^ I don't rate iPhones highly personally - I'm a lover of my Android systems, but each to their own. It's always exciting to upgrade!

I liked reading that - It would explained why I felt so proud of myself 1) going to the shop by myself to get bread and 2) taking the car for a service by myself. Oh yes and I seem to 3) answer the phone at work more - I tried to avoid this, lol.

I think I would have been on my Nokia 3330 if I didn't get an iPhone for my birthday present. The only reason why I upgraded was because I wanted to install a fitness application and it didn't work on my old phone so I got a new one.

Not sure why I didn't consider the competition... I do hope I'm one of those stupid consumerists that stay brand loyal...
First of all - good luck tomorrow at the interview! Remember to not stress out too much, maybe make a list of things you know you'd like to cover and mention as well as any questions you want to ask them. The only reason I say this, is that if you're anything like me and tend to overthink things, making a small list like that gives a good fallback to refer to when the mind goes blank from a bit of anxiety of the situation. It's very intimidating to have people ask personal questions and then having to make yourself seem amazing when internally you might not feel that way. I know I have zero self-confidence and always put my achievements down and not mention things even if they're relevant because I HATE talking about myself. Remember your mantra now - "just do it!". :) You can do this! I'm rooting for you :D

I liked your list of personal achievements, can I suggest making a little list of them everyday? Little things that made you feel good to have achieved. I'm like you, I hate going outside or doing "adulty" things - I don't know why I was freaking out so much over taking my own car in for service :p But I did it somehow too! Yay go us! And don't even get me started on phone calls... haha everyone always laughs at me running away at the sound of it ringing, I'm better now though having been forced to deal with it at various employment positions, but I'll never stop disliking it :p

Yay for PC gamers! I like simulation games too, I have played SimCity and others. Have you tried Prison Architect? It's pretty addictive! I like strategy games too - combat strategy like CiV or Red Alert :) Mostly I sit in Adventure RPG's (Skyrim and I'm looking forward to trying out Witcher III / Fallout, maybe even Dark Souls III if I'm brave enough to die even 2 seconds...) or MMO's though, my vice is World of Warcraft among many! :) Not too big into FPS games though as I get very nauseous from the first person perspective. :(

And no, you're not just a consumerist who is brand loyal - you just got used to iOS. They're said to be easy to use and intuitive. Still I can't justify the price and I prefer a phone I can customise and tailor to how I like it to look and function - which is something Android excels at. :) Plus Apple products frustrate me to hell and back, there's so many limitations it's not even funny. But can I just say... Nokia 3330. Wow. :p Would you ever go back after experiencing touch-screen goodness?