You really are an inspiration! Xx
You're amazing Mark! I'm really happy for you, you have done so well. You really are an inspiration for me at least, to keep going. If you can, I can!
Thank you so much guys
You can do it Minerva

Believe in yourself.
As of 04/02/2017 I weighed-in at 13st 8lbs.
In terms of body mass index, I am now classified as
To summarize:
I've gone from 22st 6lbs (BMI = 41.2) to 13st 8lbs (BMI = 24.9) in one year (-124lbs). Consider this as proof that 'the impossible'... is in fact possible.
I have several people to thank:
My colleagues at work who supported me through difficult times and for putting up with me being miserable.
My personal trainer.
Minimins website and users especially Minerva, Loz & cynicalgirl = you three have been consistent active participants.
My parents.
Myself for sticking with it, sacrificing the food I love and spending an absolute fortune in time, effort, energy and monetary value losing weight.
I caution to declare absolute victory quite yet because:
1) My goal is 13st 7lbs. I have 1lb to lose still.
2) I will decrease weight further, I will aim for 13st 0lb as a kind of 'buffer zone' to allow for fluctuations throughout the day.
3) Once achieved I will book an appointment with the nurse to have myself weighed at the doctor's office.
Once these conditions are met I will declare victory.
I want the past year experience to change my thinking and relationship with food forever. It will not be the primary existence for my life.
I had (note: past tense) been fat my entire life - or at least the entire part which I remember - until now. I am 26 years old. I quite honestly feel as though I have not yet completed puberty. I feel as though my weight has affected my development through a severe lack of self-esteem. Socially: forming relationships and economically: lacking confidence to take risk to go for a new job.
Well I won't let it define who I am and let it control me any more. I am free.