Thank you x
Have you had another sneaky weigh in yet? You still doing 3 shakes? X
You must be so proud of yourself. 12 weeks!!!! That's amazing!!
the hunger thing could be change of routine? Mentally your scared of change? (That's me) but your going to keep on going and going there is no stopping you at all!
seeing family and friends not seen since January will be a huge boost too as I bet you look completely different in past 5 months. Do you have pics from jan and now to post?
you will do it, you will have a fab weigh in and an amazing holiday with your family and we will still be here waiting for you when you get back! X
Stuff the cousins then ha ha I did weight watchers and every other diet and always put the weight back in. This is the only diet that makes sense. Especially when there is a lot of weight to lose and you can't keep 'trying' everything. If something works for you then great but can't be negative with others.
they will be shocked and jealous ;-)
can't wait to see your pics! X
Martha that's amazing!!
hiw can you not see a difference? Since January you've slimmed your body and your face is a different shape.
and your start pic. Wow!!! You look like a completely different person!
i feel very very proud of you - and I don't know you. Imagine what others will think! Xxx
I know what you mean it is harder to see in yourslef but in sure your friend will see the change in you and you'll be even happier then.
nights out with husband, what are they? I'm not leaving my house til I'm at goal! Ha ha
Yeh be fab to see more pics x I love it! X
Lucky girl!
your going to be adding a meal anyway so why not eat out? Just choose place in advance and look through the menu. You won't go off track and it can be preparation for you x
I just had an idea. Have you actually seen what someone looks like before and after pics with similar weight loss that your looking at?
my CDC lost 11 1/2 stone and I have her before and after pics. I can't post them on here without get permission but in sure she wouldn't mind me emailing them to you? Let me know x