Day five
Feeling a bit jaded again today. We stayed up late last night listening to music and whilst I'd normally have had more than a few gins, not one drop touched my lips.
Things I'm noticing:
My skin is much clearer - I suffer from the odd breakout of rosacea
My sleeping is a bit better but still not ideal - oh for eight hours
I'm definitely not hungry, until its time to have my next product anyway - didn't think that would be possible on so few calories
My energy has lowered - bit disappointed with that as I'd hoped by now I'd be full of beans by now. Maybe it'll take another couple of days for it to kick in?
I like the bars way more than I thought I would and the meals? not so much. Very salty and I like salt and very bland. I've brought some cauliflower rice, which at 22 calories for 1/2 a pack, hoping this will stretch the meals out a bit, adding a bit more substance and reducing the salty taste. I'll experiment with herbs and spices to get through them all but so far, I don't really 'like' any of them. Still have the chilli to try though
Shakes etc
11:00 banana shake made my usual way
First time trying and it was nice
14:00 chocolate fudge bar
It was nice with a coffee but not my favourite
16:30 mushroom soup
Made with almost double the water, I don't know why they suggest just 200 ml's of water? Very nice and mushroomy too
18:45 red bean chilli with 100 g's of cauli rice
I added tabasco and chilli and garlic salt, yummmmmmm
Other drinks
10:00 11:00 and 13:30 500 ml water
12:00 and 14:30 coffees
16:30 and 18:30 500 ml water
At the moment (14:30) feeling too tired to contemplate anything strenuous
Didn't end up going out for a walk but will make up for that tomorrow.
Day five done