Mazza's two stone challenge

Playing around with this 🙂

99 kgs and 85 kgs 👍


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Looking good to do my own now for inspiration 😊
Day five

Feeling a bit jaded again today. We stayed up late last night listening to music and whilst I'd normally have had more than a few gins, not one drop touched my lips.

Things I'm noticing:

My skin is much clearer - I suffer from the odd breakout of rosacea
My sleeping is a bit better but still not ideal - oh for eight hours
I'm definitely not hungry, until its time to have my next product anyway - didn't think that would be possible on so few calories
My energy has lowered - bit disappointed with that as I'd hoped by now I'd be full of beans by now. Maybe it'll take another couple of days for it to kick in?
I like the bars way more than I thought I would and the meals? not so much. Very salty and I like salt and very bland. I've brought some cauliflower rice, which at 22 calories for 1/2 a pack, hoping this will stretch the meals out a bit, adding a bit more substance and reducing the salty taste. I'll experiment with herbs and spices to get through them all but so far, I don't really 'like' any of them. Still have the chilli to try though

Shakes etc

11:00 banana shake made my usual way

First time trying and it was nice

14:00 chocolate fudge bar

It was nice with a coffee but not my favourite

16:30 mushroom soup

Made with almost double the water, I don't know why they suggest just 200 ml's of water? Very nice and mushroomy too

18:45 red bean chilli with 100 g's of cauli rice

I added tabasco and chilli and garlic salt, yummmmmmm :eat:

Other drinks

10:00 11:00 and 13:30 500 ml water
12:00 and 14:30 coffees
16:30 and 18:30 500 ml water


At the moment (14:30) feeling too tired to contemplate anything strenuous :rolleyes:

Didn't end up going out for a walk but will make up for that tomorrow.

Day five done :)
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Day six

A full on day of work today and its flown by. At almost 6:00 pm I've only had two product's. Better go and make myself a soup....:rolleyes:

Shakes etc

9:30 cinnamon porridge

14:00 double chocolate bar

That's the last of the one offs I ordered and my favourites are caramel crunch and birthday cake. We have some carrot cake, banana bread, lemon bar, chocolate orange and birthday cake arriving this week. Mostly for the OH to try and take to work.

18:15 butternut squash and sweet potato soup

First time trying this. Nice, it needed tabasco though.

21:15 pasta ham and mushroom soup

Was a faff to make in the microwave as it boiled over, will make it in a saucepan next time. Tasted nice though, with a few little additions 🌶🌶

Other drinks

09:00, 10:00, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00 20:00 500 water

09:00 and 14:00 coffee


Its raining on and off, so I did some walking on the spot :whacky068:


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Day seven

First weigh in day tomorrow. Not expecting a huge loss, even though I've stuck to it 100% but I don't have a lot to lose, so I'm being realistic. I'll be happy with 2-3 kg's, then maybe 1 kg a week until I reach my goal. I've been logging my products in myfitnesspal, which tells me I should weight 90.4 kg's in 5 weeks but we shall see......

Shakes and stuff

10:30 lemon bar

Nice but perhaps not lemony enough

14:00 chocolate orange bar


19:00 chocolate shake

21:00 curry with (what they claim to be) rice so added 100g of cauli rice for an extra 22 calories

Other drinks

09:00 10:30 12:00 15:00 18:00 20:00 500 ml of water
10:30 and 14:00 coffee - new delivery from Nespresso today :woohoo:


Bit of jogging and walking :whacky068:

Day seven over and out and I honestly feel like I'm talking to myself here - oh well :rolleyes:


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Week one weigh in! Drum roll.......2.3 kg's or 5 lbs down. Not as much as some but I'm really happy. 12.3 kgs or 25 lbs to go 🙂👍
Hey you!! Im so sorry I havent been along! I though I had followed you so would get notifications but I obviously screwed that up!! Well done on y our first week and your first weigh in! 5lb is huge. Thats five of these!! How are you getting on with all the water and the products? If you do the £55 exante order, if you add a couple more things on top upto £60+ you get free nextday delivery. The delivery is £2.99 so its cheaper to just pay for it but atleast you get stuff if you pick more products haha.

I have definitely checked follow now so hopefully I will get the emails again now!

Day seven over and out and I honestly feel like I'm talking to myself here - oh well :rolleyes:

Mazza, For a new diary you already have 948 views, which shows a lot of people both on and off this forum are following and interested in how you are getting on. Your diary is very good because you are giving a very detail account of how you are progressing...along with descriptions of how you find Exante products and most importantly for many, your exercise and fitness on a vlcd...I myself stop by every day to see how you are getting on and not so silently🤫 swimming slowly behind you.🐳

If you like...You could add to your title...something like...Come join me or All are welcome, as most people nowadays aren’t sure how to use forums and some people are pretty shy and don’t like to invade your personal space, unless invited.

Keep up the good work.👍
Just re-read everything... careful with the pasta ham soup in a pan. If theyre the same as cambridge products they cant have direct heat (like a pan) but have to be microd (dont understand this...) because it destroys the nutrient content and you need them. Cant really get my head round why, but just letting you know. I just add hot water to all of my soups, no micro to them. And sometimes if you put the tiddlyest bit of cold in with the boiled water they mix better. When I did my order today I noticed that sherpherds pie isnt on there anymore (yay!) but also all of the pancakes and the egg and bacon thing have gone as well. Gutting!!!

How is day one week two going? I agree with Mini, your diary is really great and informative, especially if someone has never done a VLCD or Exante. I was really scared to change from CD, which I knew, to exante, which I didn't. Your step by step would have been really helpful!
😍 Thank you @Mini and @FaeFaeFiFi

Thanks for the tip on the soup too @FaeFaeFiFi I guess I shouldn't have warmed my curry through with the cauli rice yesterday then? Whoops.

Lets hope the shepherd's pie is gone for good then. I've never seen an egg and bacon thing and quite fancied trying the pancakes so its a shame if they're out of stock but I have a few favourites that seem to be available. I've just done a 100 for £95 order today as the OH is getting on with the products too. We've put some random things in the order, as I've been pleasantly surprised when I've done that previously.

Right, I'd better get my walk done, I've literally not moved yet today, so busy with work :(
Exante might be different but you definitely shouldn’t do it with Cambridge products.
Yes down with the shepherds pie, indeed!!! Grim haha. I don’t know that they’re out of stock, they just seem to be completely gone. They were great! Shame. They seem to rotate products quite fast but Cambridge never seemed to change anything very often!!

Hope you enjoy your walk. It’s a lovely evening here. We’re just doing a second mini one cause child is full of beans at bedtime haha.

Sure I’ll speak to you before but have a great week!!
I think it must be @FaeFaeFiFi as there are lots of pack hack recipes floating about on the tinternet, with a lot involving cooking, which Exante feature on their social media too. Such as making bhajis from the curry pack.

I really enjoyed my walk, although I'd left my watch at home on charge, so there's no evidence it actually happened 😂

Day eight

Shakes etc

10:30 toffee caramel shake with a shot of espresso

A one off purchase and nice but very sweet, even with the coffee, made with lots of ice and extra water

14:00 lemon bar

Lovely, with a coffee

18:00 reduced sugar coconut shake

Very nice, made a change to have something less sweet

21:30 chocolate shake

Made with hot water, so like a hot chocolate but much sweeter than I'd usually have. I'd normally have an options or something like that

Other drinks

09:00 10:00 13:00 19:00 20:00 500 ml of water

Not had as much as usual today so playing catch up, was really busy with work but I MUST make the time to drink !!!

10:00 12:00 and 16:00 coffees with skimmed milk 21:00 decaff coffee


A very warm walk round the block, which is 3 km's although I have no evidence that I did it 😂😂

Day eight, over and out!
Good day today for you then!! :) Good work. :) I have all my shakes hot, especially love the choc mint, choc orange and peanut butter hot. And the coffee like ones obviously. The water gets harder the longer you do it, I think. I start forgetting. Need to get a beep set up on my phone or something.

Ahh yeh there used to be the same with cambridge, but I guess they didnt have pancakes either so maybe?
This puts the 5 lb into perspective :)


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Day nine

Today is scorchio so I'm trying to stay cool and hydrated. I started work early and finished at 16:00 today to get me exercise done.

Shakes etc

10:30 low sugar vanilla shake with a shot of espresso added

Very nice 👌

14:00 jam and yoghurt bar

I ordered a couple of these to try and they're quite nice. Puzzled how the jam doesn't melt and stick to the wrapper but it doesn't and for that I'm grateful. I don't want to be wasting any calories! 😛

17:00 strawberry shake 🍓

Which im now sipping while my daughter eats a strawberry cornett......

20:00 I'll be trying spaghetti bollognese for the first time

Fingers crossed I'll like it, it can't be any worse than the pie that shall not be named, or can it?

Other drinks

09:00 10:00 12:00 15:00 500 ml water

10:00 14:00 coffee


4 km's of sweating 😅 and this time, I have the evidence 😂😂


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I think spaghetti is my fav of the four. I have not tried chilli yet. Carbonara is ok, but spaghettis the best of al of them for fake food!
Glad you’ve had a good day! I discovered a great way for getting lumps out today for hot soups and shakes... make in a big Pyrex measure jug and roll a whisk between your hands vigorously like you’re making a playdoh sausage hahaha works so well and much nicer smooth ha

It’s been soooooo hot today. Have felt ill on and off with it