Me, Myself & I... Lower carb, fasting, real live foods

But that's everyone's point Tara. 'Prescribed when needed'. He's not prescribed them to you. You have self diagnosed again.

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I think discussing them and being prescribed them are a bit different .. Does he know about the fast food? x
But that's everyone's point Tara. 'Prescribed when needed'. He's not prescribed them to you. You have self diagnosed again.

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Oh come on! They prescribe when it's causing someone big problems like with pancreatic trouble that is serious, other wise they recommend. The doctor has now recommend I continue with it.

For example! I get my pain relief tablets on prescription because of my operation/ level of pain. If my pain is much less they will stop prescribing, they recommend instead.

He agreed it was a good idea for me to take them , he is aware of my gluten issues - not willing to test for the gluten intolerance as its not causing me great stress. I explained I did the test for low stomach acid and I had no warmth in my stomach area - he agreed that indicated my stomach acid was low

Doc also said that as long as the brand I'm taking is good quality (I told him the brand and he was ok with it) that I should continue with it as the other people who have had it recommended or prescribed have done very well with it.

So what! yes I started taking the digestive enzymes before I spoke to the doctor, I did the research, then the test for low stomach acid etc.. Which the doctor explained they would have done anyway... I've now had it confirmed ok to take by the doctor - so there is no issue with it.
Btw you know a doctor would never advise you against them. As there is no research to say they are detrimental.

But I can see you've decided that that is your problem.

But as everyone has said I think you should refocus your eating.

Eating the burger without the bun isn't healthy or beneficial eating. It's still junk.

I'm not gonna comment further as I think it's becoming detrimental to my mental health ;)
Tara did the doctor tell you that you needed them?

The doctor after I explained how I had done the low stomach acid test etc, agreed they should work well for me. Just to keep him updated.

My doc has said in the past when i asked about other supplements. If someone comes and asks about a supplement or herbal remedy they give advise and agree or disagree - checking your medical history - which is what was done with me this morning. Doc recommend that I continue with them.

I was also warned of the common side effects of the digestive enzymes, loose stools, nausea, possible vomiting - because they also work to digest and get rid of old food fermenting in the gut and intestines - bit like a detox. Depends where in the gut the old food is as to what end it comes out of lol may last a few days, up to a week. So not to worry if I experience these symptoms.
I think discussing them and being prescribed them are a bit different .. Does he know about the fast food? x

I have discussed how I eat with the doctor yes, I have mentioned that I sometimes go to mcDs and have a burger with out the bun, sometimes have fries, sometimes go to KFC, they know that these places are part of modern life, yes it's better to say no, but not always possible, if not possible make good choices. My blood work is good, my blood pressure is good, they are supportive of my diet plan/ WOE.

I do not go to McDs everyday, I do not eat "fast food everyday" if we are out shopping or on our way somewhere then it is an easy option, I often try and get them to go to subway rather than mcDs or KFC - subway do a salad bowl which I love, & no bread for me.

I don't really see what your issue is with the fast food, I don't have it every meal, or even every day. I don't drink alcohol or smoke.

My issue is I eat too much, I am aware of this the doctor is aware of this. You all are aware of this, my mfp diary is viewable, Im not hiding my eating habits. I struggle with eating less. I admit this.

I am also aware (so is the doctor) that I eat less now than I did last year, and the years before that!

I'm going to do my best to continue loosing weight. I'm a size 16 top and bottom.
Btw you know a doctor would never advise you against them. As there is no research to say they are detrimental.

But I can see you've decided that that is your problem.

But as everyone has said I think you should refocus your eating.

Eating the burger without the bun isn't healthy or beneficial eating. It's still junk.

I'm not gonna comment further as I think it's becoming detrimental to my mental health ;)

Sometimes I think you all don't get it!!
They are supplements !! They should help make my digestive system work better. Hello !! If your digestion works better you process foods better, absorb nutrients better! That's got to be good for you.

I'm not saying its "my problem" I'm saying that I want my body to work well and digest foods effectively.

I am concentrating on my foods sticking to my WOE. My holiday I spent the time rereading my primal and paleo books, I want this WOE for life.

If on some occasions I have junk foods/ fast foods - I make a better choice - burger no bun, with or without the fries, a salad. I don't eat 2 Big Mac large fries and a normal coke! I leave that to my OH.

I understand that you all think I am self diagnosing, what I think and research I discuss with my doctor, most of what I've discussed they are agreed with, if the Doc advises I don't take something - I don't!!

They won't do tests because my symptoms not causing me lots of pain and suffering. But They are happy to do full blood tests every 6mths.

My doctor When I spoke to him this morning - said he has used them with various people to good effect! If the doctor thought they would be of harm to me he would tell me. I'm seeing him again in 3 weeks for an update.
I have discussed how I eat with the doctor yes, I have mentioned that I sometimes go to mcDs and have a burger with out the bun, sometimes have fries, sometimes go to KFC, they know that these places are part of modern life, yes it's better to say no, but not always possible, if not possible make good choices. My blood work is good, my blood pressure is good, they are supportive of my diet plan/ WOE.

I do not go to McDs everyday, I do not eat "fast food everyday" if we are out shopping or on our way somewhere then it is an easy option, I often try and get them to go to subway rather than mcDs or KFC - subway do a salad bowl which I love, & no bread for me.

I don't really see what your issue is with the fast food, I don't have it every meal, or even every day. I don't drink alcohol or smoke.

My issue is I eat too much, I am aware of this the doctor is aware of this. You all are aware of this, my mfp diary is viewable, Im not hiding my eating habits. I struggle with eating less. I admit this.

I am also aware (so is the doctor) that I eat less now than I did last year, and the years before that!

I'm going to do my best to continue loosing weight. I'm a size 16 top and bottom.

I think I need to stop commenting..after I get this off my chest . You seemed to have forgotten this is a weight loss support forum.
I don't have an issue with fast food, but what you make every excuse under the sun for not losing weight... With the exception of your shoulder and when you had the pain killers ... I haven't said you have fast food every day, but you do eat it regularly on a weekly basis..and you eat **** and a lot of your calories go on ****..
You wouldn't need supplements if you ditched the rubbish and this is proven on many weight loss show..It may seem harsh but people are trying to help and you know what if you held your hands up and was honest with yourself and said you know what I aren't losing weight because I have pigged out instead of what ever ailment you have self diagnosed that week.. you might be able to get yourself back on track.. Until you can do that you will struggle.. People only want to help and offer advice, this is what people post on this forum for after all...
Sometimes I think you all don't get it!!
They are supplements !! They should help make my digestive system work better. Hello !! If your digestion works better you process foods better, absorb nutrients better! That's got to be good for you.

I'm not saying its "my problem" I'm saying that I want my body to work well and digest foods effectively.

I am concentrating on my foods sticking to my WOE. My holiday I spent the time rereading my primal and paleo books, I want this WOE for life.

If on some occasions I have junk foods/ fast foods - I make a better choice - burger no bun, with or without the fries, a salad. I don't eat 2 Big Mac large fries and a normal coke! I leave that to my OH.

I understand that you all think I am self diagnosing, what I think and research I discuss with my doctor, most of what I've discussed they are agreed with, if the Doc advises I don't take something - I don't!!

They won't do tests because my symptoms not causing me lots of pain and suffering. But They are happy to do full blood tests every 6mths.

My doctor When I spoke to him this morning - said he has used them with various people to good effect! If the doctor thought they would be of harm to me he would tell me. I'm seeing him again in 3 weeks for an update.

And I'd just like to point out I have seen two cheeseburgers in one sitting on your diary and I have seen days where you have been both McDonald's and KFC.

Oh and you've been to McDonald and Burger King in the last three days that's 2/3days!

I wasn't attacking you but offering some friendly advice which is why you joined the forum.

You eat more junk food than I think you believe you do. Plus you eat excessive amount of healthier alternatives.

If your doctor is agreeing and recommending the supplements I would probably assume in a placebo effect. Why would he argue with you? What would he achieve by telling you your wasting your money? Bc I'd guess he'd get the same reaction as we all have - so it isn't in his favour.

We aren't being unkind I think everyone's just a little exhausted with the self diagnosis a new one every week, the poor reasons and constant unwarranted medical opinions.

Have a think .... Not one other person on this part of the forum has any one of your problems .... Why have they all affected you? Maybe it's bc we've put our shitty effects down to the dodgy meals we've had?
This is the last I'm going to say as your going to do what you want to do no matter what anyone else says.:)

We only have your word that you have discussed it with your Dr.And I believe you self diagnosis a lot of your 'ailments'.If you had something wrong the DR would want to investigate.You seem to have something wrong with you every week and spending money on pills that don't do anything for you.

Good luck and self diagnosis from just reading what you may have on internet is dangerous.:)

Why would I bother lying to you all and myself about what I discuss with the doctor.

In the last year or so I've tried many ways of eating following various things I've read/ discussed - its been a journey of self discovery for me, I know now that I'm better off not eating gluten/ wheat.

Yes I think I am gluten sensitive etc, yes I figured it out by talking it over with friends, family, the doctor. I feel better when I don't eat gluten/ wheat - when I do yes I've moaned about how silly I was to eat it and how it makes me feel. if you didn't like reading about it.. Don't

The doctor didn't see any reason to do tests as my reaction to gluten is not causing me huge problems.

"I do" find the supplements help, so they are not a waste of money in my own option.
Re: Diet issues... Of me, myself & I

Tara I think the main thing people are getting at is your eating habits. Its not necessarily the supplements - I take supplements. I probably more than anyone know how hard it is to control eating habits. Mine go completely out of control which is why I am still here struggling. I think no matter how tempting kfc and McDonald's you need to stay away for your sake and for your kids otherwise they will end up with the same problems you have. I personally only let mine go a couple of times a year. Because I don't want them to end up like me, my older child is already showing signs.
The last few days yes I've had Burger King and McDonalds

We arrived in at 8am from our holiday - my brother in law bought the kids a meal from Burger King - they each ate 1/2 - I ate the other 1/2 as I was hungry - it took 2 1/2 hours to get home from the airport in the rush hour traffic.

Yesterday we were out visiting family and my boys ate loads of choc, biscuits and bread sticks - so when lunch of white rice with plain yogurt was served boys were not interested. I was not hungry as I had eaten just before we left home. Also i find white rice with yogurt not a good choice for me, so I had some fruit instead. Later out shopping for blinds on the way home boys were hungry - couldn't find a subway - so mcDs it was - I had a cheese burger no bun and a fruit pack. I said no to the fries as I'm feeling (or was) positive about my fresh start after my holiday.

It is school holidays - I expect I'm going to take my boys out doing things and yes prob eat at mcDs or subway/ KFC or a local pub. But I will make food choices that fit in with my WOE. I also expect I will end up with takeaways/ fast foods at other times - I will make choices that are within my WOE.

Since the 7th Aug which was my re-start day I've been keeping to my WOE. I felt positive about what I'm doing and my plan of action.
But hey it's only been 3 days .. I've loads of time to feel negative, angry and misunderstood
I don't want you to feel negative but I can't see how any of those restaurants can incorporate your woe I think that's you again changing rules etc to fit with what you want to eat. I'm sorry but we've been on the road since 9am. It's now 3pm we won't be back till gone 6. We've not been to a fast food restaurant and I'm on no kind of diet ATM. So again your reasons aren't warranted.

I wish you all the best. And hope your fresh start works well for you. Xx
I don't want you to feel negative but I can't see how any of those restaurants can incorporate your woe I think that's you again changing rules etc to fit with what you want to eat. I'm sorry but we've been on the road since 9am. It's now 3pm we won't be back till gone 6. We've not been to a fast food restaurant and I'm on no kind of diet ATM. So again your reasons aren't warranted.

I wish you all the best. And hope your fresh start works well for you. Xx

Do you have any kids of your own that like those places - does your OH like eating at those places. Mine do - I make my best choice by not eating bread/ buns etc yes it's not ideal, but hopefully 80% of the time I don't eat at fast food places - but for me it's the way my family works. My OH doesn't see what the issue is with mcDs/ KFC etc he's naturally thin and so are both my boys. I'm the only over weight person in my family.

I'm not fitting it with what "I want to eat" I would prefer a subway salad bowl to mcDs or KFC - I'm trying to get my kids to like subway better than mcDs or KFC - as I think it's a healthier option. But subway is not a drive through - more the pity :)
Do you have any kids of your own that like those places - does your OH like eating at those places. Mine do - I make my best choice by not eating bread/ buns etc yes it's not ideal, but hopefully 80% of the time I don't eat at fast food places - but for me it's the way my family works. My OH doesn't see what the issue is with mcDs/ KFC etc he's naturally thin and so are both my boys. I'm the only over weight person in my family.

I'm not fitting it with what "I want to eat" I would prefer a subway salad bowl to mcDs or KFC - I'm trying to get my kids to like subway better than mcDs or KFC - as I think it's a healthier option. But subway is not a drive through - more the pity :)

But both those places do salads ... You don't have to eat the chips the burgers or the chicken wings that your choice.

No I don't have kids yet but I wouldnt feed them crap. The whole point of those places they are occasional maybe you should discuss your kids health with your doctor. Maybe he can advise you on what foods you should be feeding them.

And since when so children dictate to parents that they have to eat in fast food restaurants?

Marcus eats cakes he eats Burger King he eats take always and yes I do too. Not as frequently. Not twice in three days and certainly not twice in one day.

Your getting defensive and nasty bc you know we're right. And I think it's a joke you say 80% of the time. Maybe review you mfp to get a better idea of how frequently you do eat these things?

I won't comment or read further bc I don't want to cause further rows or friction. Do whatever you want you will but don't expect support or advice when your not willing to accept the truth or stop the excuses.
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I can't eat a salad while driving - we do drive throughs - yes more excuses.. I have the salad if we eat in or at home.

Feeling quite depressed after all the wonderful feedback you have all given me. Yes defensive I'd drawn a line and started again as of 7th Aug.
My plan is primal/ paleo WOE, while incorporating fasting a few days a week, prob Monday and a Wednesday. (Which is part of that WOE)
Various supplements
2 Kettlebell classes
Thinking about joining curves gym and go 2x week
Swimming one day a week..
As much walking as I can..

Yay go me :(
Today has gone well, I'm under 100 on my carbs and my kcals for the day are below 1600.

1 took 1 garcinia and chromium tablet before lunch and before dinner.

Have taken 1 digestive enzyme with each meal and still no warmth. I will up it to 2 tables with each meal from tomorrow.

Have not felt hungry or been craving silly things.


my dinner mince mix on kale mixed with cabbage and leeks
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I really don't think anyone was trying to upset you Tara, believe it or not we all care about you. I worry that your woe may confuse your body that's all I will say. The fact you had such a minuscule gain while away says you were doing something right & that was when there were no temptations in the way...

Remember I was lucky enough to meet Dr Briffa & had a workshop with him & just 19 other people & it was so enlightening but he said supplements were necessary when eating a primal diet. I know what he said was real sense & I would love to be able to eat his way but it feels alien to me, maybe when I get to target I'll have another go....

As for the McDonald's/KFC etc i just don't go when the hubby & boy go. They do that about once a month without me cos I know 100% I'm not one of these people who can sit with a diet coke I'd be extra larging all the way!