Me, Myself & I... Lower carb, fasting, real live foods

Your body & mind too has been through so much lately just take comfort in not seeing the 100s again, remember that & be kind to yourself xx

I had a scan 5 weeks ago due to heavy periods, they thought it could be polyps or fibroids, then if not my womb line thickening due to my age but scan showed nowt! Kinda pleased as it means no op but also a bit gutted as I'm sick of them. My acupuncturist was putting needles in my tummy today to try & see if she can help.
Kettlercise this morning was so intense !
Kcals: 578.. Ave HR: 142..
Sweat was dripping off me and my face was a dayglo pink colour lol my face still looks like I've a bad sun burn now 30 mins later ... Feeling good :) used my 6kg bell for a few things today -

The strength in my right shoulder is getting much better. It's almost 2 years now since I had keyhole surgery on it.. Range of motion is still not 100% .. But no pain and hardly any headaches any more is a good thing :)
Have a crazy headache, hot flushes and feel sick .. Period has paused .. Am assuming it will start again today/ tomorrow as my back is aching all the way across .. Hormones are horrid!!
Doc said it would prob take 3 months for my hormones to settle down .. So just have to put up with the headaches, hot flushes and sweating! I've also got a small hernia on my belly button - coughing/ pregnancy related ?? But need to wait a few months to see if it goes on it's own or not ..

Also said maybe the iron tablets might help.. As I have a history of heavy periods etc
21st birthday dinner tonight; loads of food .. Had some roast chicken, roast pork, potato salad and mixed salad, avoided the pita bread and ate the fruit and cream off the cake - much to every ones amusement lol

Didn't eat too much and didn't feel overfull once I'd had enough.
Can't believe I've almost drunk 2L water so far this morning .. With this hot weather need to keep hydrated.
Sorry to hear about the headaches etc. I hope you feel better soon.
I also developed a hernia during my pregnancy. I hope yours goes on it's own. If you lie on your back, you can massage it back in.
Thanks for the advise, I'm lucky at the moment as it only pops out when I'm coughing .. Stupid cough it just doesn't want to go.. It's all related to my allergies .. Hopefully hernia goes on it own.
Can't believe I drank 4L water yesterday and almost there again today!

Horse riding today, wore my HR monitor .. Kcals: 351 Ave HR: 144... Was very sweaty with a bright pink face afterwards.. Was lovely out in the sunshine :)
My weight has been way up this week.. WI 100.2kg .. I've drunk so much water and hands and ankles are swollen..

I think my period has finally stopped after 10days .. Last few days have been very light but still - 10 days is way to long!!
On a more positive note my trousers are fitting a bit better.. Hot sweats and flushes are really crap in this hot weather!!!
Have been moving beds etc round to vacuum under .. Was dripping with sweat .. So if the masses of dust and cat hair under our bed has been contributing to my allergies it's all gone now :). Can't remember when it was last done ., maybe last year some time - OH normally has to help with the bed and other furniture .. But he's been working so hard he's not had the time to help me... So asked a niece (by marriage) to help :)
Wow what a way to calorie burn!!! I'm so hot all the time I hate to imagine what i would be like if I was still 19st, I'd have been in tears I'm sure x
It's shocking how dusty it gets under the bed isn't it?! I try and move mine and vacuum quite often now as I have a dust allergy. X