Mizkirsty said:How much did you pay for your hrm?! I've thought so many times about getting one! Maybe I'll invest! D
How much did you pay for your hrm?! I've thought so many times about getting one! Maybe I'll invest! D
Went to the park again today, was there for 3 hours, but only counted the walking mins.. 2 hours 10 mins.. Kids tired, let's hope they sleep wellHad a picnic with stuff I picked up from sainsbury's was nice.. Bit chilly when the wind blew but lovely in the sunshine
had to have an ice cream afterwards..
Kettlercise tonight..
Mis-behave said:Am in a better head space today!! Oldest is back at school today.. Things back to normal. Also not hungry today.. Funny really.. Yesterday I was..
Have a mile fun run today at kids school... Son1 dressed as a pirate, son2 will be a pirate later when we do the run.. Yes I'm going to run tooo
Have to vacuum, mob and dust today., no excuses!! About to put youngest son for a sleep and get to cleaning!!