Me, Myself & I... Lower carb, fasting, real live foods

Lol.. Mmm my diary is one that shows how you should not eat while on a low fat diet!!

I know my mojo has run away with the dish and the spoon :) I'm just thinking toooo much about my appt, the 29th can't come soon enough!!!

I am going to go to bed early and focus :)
Mis-behave said:
Lol.. Mmm my diary is one that shows how you should not eat while on a low fat diet!!

I know my mojo has run away with the dish and the spoon :) I'm just thinking toooo much about my appt, the 29th can't come soon enough!!!

I am going to go to bed early and focus :)

Ok hon look at it this way, the appt will either say you need an op or you don't & if it's needed it's for the best in the long run & ops are less risky the lower your bmi is.

I've just caught your mojo attempting to leg it to Macedonia of all places & I've sent it back recorded delivery, will be waiting for you in the morning x
Ok I will have my head back on track tomorrow, loads thinking today going on..
Ok had a SH1T day today!!! OH bugged off since 8am, kids crying after DADDY.... He comes back and watches F'ing football, kids playing in front of TV OH shouts at them .. Joy!! More crying .. Oldest son everything is boring ., make some muffins with him .. Tell him he can have one after dinner.! Little F'er won't stop crying about F'ing little cakes.. Had to come upstairs as was so cross!! OH is dealing and of course the Son stops crying!! GRRRRrrrrrr so piss'ed off!!!!

Got my cards and presents yesterday evening!!!
Aw hugs honey doesn't sound like a great day xx
*** big hugs *** x
Let's hope!! my OH thinks I'm deranged and in need of mental health help!! May be I am... sigh.. Said some horrible stuff to my son.. Love him to bits.. But Just had enough of his tantrums which started last week, about no tv after school. Homework, then outside to play before dinner, if not rainy day.. Dinner, tv and then bed.. He spent an hour and a half crying because I said to go play outside, and no tv till after dinner!! Was like that every day except Friday (4days of tantrums) and as it was wet said ok to tv after home work was done.. All his toys are boring only tv is not!!!

More tantrums yesterday and today... Thing that pissed me off the most OH gets him to eat his dinner within 10 mins.. Usually takes me 30-40 mins to get him to eat dinner.. Almost can't be bothered with son1 any more.. Which is so wrong on so many levels "cry" getting stressed and depressed about it.. Makes me feel tired and can't cope with my housework, want to go to bed and not get up...

I do all housework, cooking, washing, kids, school runs., almost feel like a single mum with an another person living in the house who does nothing except sit on the couch, and expects me pick up after him, ok he works hard to bring the money in to pay for everything, but he doesn't make my life easier.. Only thing I seem to get out of it is someone who is there when I go to my exercise class.. His day off is Sunday and a lot of the time he gone visiting friends or his brothers by about 9 am.. Leaving me with the kids all day.. I get depressed and angry and then feel like doing nothing.. Kids unhappy cause "daddy" has pissed off and left them at home again., so we all have a crappy day.. OH comes home late afternoon /evening kids get over excited and then annoy him.. He gets cross.. Kids unhappy again..

Well my rant has run on and on.. Feel bit better.. Going to tidy my messy, untidy house..

Truly all is not that bad, we have good times too.. Just not today :)
Mis-behave said:
Let's hope!! my OH thinks I'm deranged and in need of mental health help!! May be I am... sigh.. Said some horrible stuff to my son.. Love him to bits.. But Just had enough of his tantrums which started last week, about no tv after school. Homework, then outside to play before dinner, if not rainy day.. Dinner, tv and then bed.. He spent an hour and a half crying because I said to go play outside, and no tv till after dinner!! Was like that every day except Friday (4days of tantrums) and as it was wet said ok to tv after home work was done.. All his toys are boring only tv is not!!!

More tantrums yesterday and today... Thing that pissed me off the most OH gets him to eat his dinner within 10 mins.. Usually takes me 30-40 mins to get him to eat dinner.. Almost can't be bothered with son1 any more.. Which is so wrong on so many levels "cry" getting stressed and depressed about it.. Makes me feel tired and can't cope with my housework, want to go to bed and not get up...

I do all housework, cooking, washing, kids, school runs., almost feel like a single mum with an another person living in the house who does nothing except sit on the couch, and expects me pick up after him, ok he works hard to bring the money in to pay for everything, but he doesn't make my life easier.. Only thing I seem to get out of it is someone who is there when I go to my exercise class.. His day off is Sunday and a lot of the time he gone visiting friends or his brothers by about 9 am.. Leaving me with the kids all day.. I get depressed and angry and then feel like doing nothing.. Kids unhappy cause "daddy" has pissed off and left them at home again., so we all have a crappy day.. OH comes home late afternoon /evening kids get over excited and then annoy him.. He gets cross.. Kids unhappy again..

Well my rant has run on and on.. Feel bit better.. Going to tidy my messy, untidy house..

Truly all is not that bad, we have good times too.. Just not today :)

I don't really know what to say.... Some days everything is just too much hey! Our son was demonic yesterday & I know how rubbish I felt so can empathise. Hugs x
Oh well another day... Let's hope I have a better day today!! Oldest son being very sweet this morning and good... Let's see what after school brings..

Going to be back on eating plan today.. Also kettlercise class this morning as long as little son settles in to pre-school.
How old is your eldest hun? If he's only just started with tantrums maybe there's an underlying reason such as something going in st school. They don't always know how to express it.
Hugs anyway though. They don't make life easy for us xx

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my oldest is almost 5 and my younger son is 2 1/2. Mainly tantrums are about Tv and things being boring.. Inc eating dinner, going to bed etc.. Sometime I have just had enough.. and just loose it completely!! Also youngest is starting to copy the oldest sons behaviour.. I just need to get a grip.. and stop letting it bother me.. OH needs to engage more with the boys on his days off as that is part of oldest sons unhappiness.. and mine..

Oh well you all now know so much more about me lol :)
That sounds about right. Sorry love :) although it may well be linked to school. Maybe he's having trouble with a lesson and he can only show his frustrations at home. They do like to push boundaries though so its up to you to be firm about them without getting angry if possible.
Have words with OH as we'll though. Why not get. Him to take him out on a father/son activity day without the youngest so they can 'bond'. I know he wants to relax but he will probably enjoy it just as much as your son .

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Enjoyed my kettlercise class, doing ok food wise so far today :) have Zumba tonight..

New zumba routine tonight.. , I am hoping that she has made them more high energy than the last 2 routines! As I am not burning that many kcals in her class, I burn double the kcals walking to school and back!
Enjoyed my kettlercise class, doing ok food wise so far today :) have Zumba tonight..

New zumba routine tonight.. , I am hoping that she has made them more high energy than the last 2 routines! As I am not burning that many kcals in her class, I burn double the kcals walking to school and back!

You have had a good day today honey, onwards & downwards x
Went out this morning to a big green wooded park, kids have conjunctivitis so no school.. Thought will not be many people out at the big park, was nice, was there for 4 hours.. Had mcDs. Grilled chicken Wrap with no sauce, had small chips too - still find it hard to say no to mcDs fries - at 11am to eat at park for lunch.. At the end of the trail is a pub that does an all day carvery kids hungry was 2pm - so 1 adult plus one kid meal - split into 2 kids and me.. I had gammon and cabbage and carrots boys both ate like they had been starved all day .. Yorkshire pud, gammon, mash potatoes, peas, carrots, gravy.. We get home . ..(15 min drive) Mum I'm hungry.. Wanted a choco biscuit.. I had one too but gee I had to eat the rest of the packet.. Forgot the reason I don't eat them is that ONE is not enought!!! Grrr

Going to do a high impact Zumba class tonight.., see what the difference is in kcals burnt compared to my Monday night Zumba class..

If nice day again tomorrow will go back to park.. No mcDs!!!. Just fruit snacks etc..
Temptation is a terrible thing - but zumba will help burn those extra cals hun!!

Shake it shake it lol x
Was a better Zumba class, burnt more kcals 442.. My face is now a gentle pink :) lol
That's a good burn! I am going to ask for a HRM for my birthday so I can see what I really burn cos I know MFP is wrong!