Mis-behave said:I have an appointment on the 29th march 10am so then we will see what's what!!
Mis-behave said:Rubbish day today food wise!! Ate too much.. Feeling bit crap heavy head ache.. Craving choc.. My totm is due soon.. Feel bloated and tired.. Also stressing about my shoulder too..
Mis-behave said:Feeling really down again today, headache, backache, assuming these are to do with totm stuff... Due next week. My shoulder aches today, prop always has just not noticed it before..
Also just lost my exercise mojo, am meant to go to class tonight.. Not sure I should! Should have walked to School today and gone to bank, but just feel like sitting being miserable
Think I need a big kick up the bum!!
LisaM1977 said:Why don't you just do the squat and swings without the kettle bell x
Mis-behave said:That was my plan... But OH put that idea out the door he came Home late!!
My shoulder is aching now just from wiping the table, the sticky finger marks and bits of banana off the couch, and washing dishes.. Tried doing some swings didn't feel greatwith out weight!! It's like a constant ache.. Am aware of it now.. Before I was prop so used to it I didn't notice it lol and it crunches something awful.. Almost scared to do my normal arm stretches just in case I do something to it! SIGH!!! Bring on The 29th march!!
Mis-behave said:Heck if I don't get Tango'ed tomorrow then I know my tablets are fake!!! Ate crap all day.. Didn't eat proper breakfast, till 10am, was cold all day.. Hungry.. Tired, late night last night.. Had takeaway for dinner!!!
I know I should have been better and not given into my head.. But struggling at mo with motivation.. OH was saying if I have op for shoulder my weight will just come straight back on... Has made me bit depressed!