Me, Myself & I... Lower carb, fasting, real live foods

And I hope you don't have too much tasty foods to resist! X
Mizkirsty said:
Can you remind me of the kettle bell DVDs etc you have at home I'm thinking of getting some - I'm gonna bit the bullet and get some! X

I have kettlercise DVDs. Which is the class I go to.. But the best work outs are long like 50 mins - so if you have the time they are great! If not then the kettleworx DVDs - which are 20 min (ish) work outs might suit you better - they are a 6 week program - you prop just need the main 3 core, resistance, and cardio - sports direct do a kettle bell range by lonsdale - I would start at a 2 or 2.5kg (5lb) bell and then move up to a 3 or 4 kg bell .. I know from using them I have lost loads of weight of my shoulders, upper back, back of neck, butt and my thighs are looking much more toned - my arm are looking toned too, still have bingo wings - but I def think with time they will disappear too..
I spent 60 mins sweating and dripping in my kettlercise class last night - oh my gosh was I HOT!! Burnt 450 kcals My face was bright Pink!! But felt good..
Yesterday I forced myself to drink more water, as I was retaining water like a camel - combination of weather, naproxen tablets, and not drinking enough water - and the diet coke was cold! During the night I think a lot of the water has been flushed away.,
My WI today have put ON 1kg from last week.. But am down 1kg from yesterday morning.. Anyway will continue with drinking more water, and less diet coke.. Control over my eating habits needs major adjustments - have a birthday party Sat to get through, plus family coming to us for a BBQ on Sunday tooo...

I know I am struggling mentally, but every good day is a step in the right direction :)
That is so true about every good day being a step in the right direction! :) I think if I worried too much about my bad days it would bog me down mentally and that's probably where I've always gone wrong in the past. I'm trying to cut back on fizzy's right now but can't stand plain water. I've stocked up on no added sugar robinsons and trying to drink more as I always seem hungry lately x
Ok today was family BBQ day for my sons 5th birthday!! Made 3 cakes this week.., one for sons real birthday day - all gone by end of evening (had BBQ with friends) 2nd one for party on Sat, and 3rd one for today., cakes were low fat/ low GI and everyone thought "Amazing" hehe

But the amount of stuff I have eaten has been way overboard!! My upper stomach area ( under boobs) is so bloated... I look pregnant .. SIGH!! All my own work!
My moto 1 day at a time. Goals for tomorrow Monday.. 28/5/12
No toast or bread, pasta, potatoes, fruit carbs etc
Water 3L - have not been drinking enough!
No diet coke - None!! Tomorrow!!!
Kettlercise class in the morning - I will be going!!!!
I will cook dinner with loads green veg - been very slack about cooking proper meals
I will not eat my exercise kcal!
Day1 of phase1 SBD.. I will focus only on tomorrow and succeeding :)
I am a big fan of diet coke as well and drink far too much. I've got no excuses not to drink water really as we have got a cooler at work with lovely cold water.

Good luck for phase one of SBD!
Hope today is a good day for you. Must say even though I haven't broken my diet, have been really slack with proper meals too.
So far today has been good food wise..
Didn't make it to kettlercise as had a doc appt
So far I have drunk 1.5l water .. More to go!

Going to have an early night as am really tired from the weekend - at least I'm going to try!
Mis-behave said:
My moto 1 day at a time. Goals for tomorrow Monday.. 28/5/12
No toast or bread, pasta, potatoes, fruit carbs etc
Water 3L - have not been drinking enough!
No diet coke - None!! Tomorrow!!!
Kettlercise class in the morning - I will be going!!!!
I will cook dinner with loads green veg - been very slack about cooking proper meals
I will not eat my exercise kcal!
Day1 of phase1 SBD.. I will focus only on tomorrow and succeeding :)

Successes for today..
Didn't drink any diet coke :)
Had veg with lunch and dinner
Didn't eat any bread, pasta, potatoes, or fruit
Under my kcal limit today :)
Drank over 3L water today :)

What I didn't do..
Didn't go to my kettlercise class this morning due to doc appt.
Goals for tomorrow Tuesday.. 29/5/12
No toast or bread, pasta, potatoes, fruit carbs etc
Water 3L - need to continue with more water as being a camel with a bloated tummy is no Fun!

No diet coke - None!! I can do this!!!
Kettlercise class in the Evening - I will be going!!!!
I will have lunch and dinner with loads green and coloured veg - 1/2 my plate filled with veg/ salad
I will cook something with chickpeas tomorrow as they can be eaten on phase1 of SBD
I will have 2 cups dairy a day.. 2 yogurts and cup skimmed milk
I will not eat my exercise kcals!

Day2 of phase1 SBD.. I will focus only on tomorrow and succeeding :)
Successes for today..
Didn't drink any diet coke - this was hard, almost forgot.. I wasn't having any today!!
Had veg/ salad with lunch and dinner
Didn't eat any bread, pasta, potatoes, or fruit
Ate my dairy portion today - found this hard to do
Drank 3L water today
Under my kcal limit today

Didn't cook with chickpeas, will do this tomorrow as the online shopping comes later tonight and I need the spinach...

Hope I can go to kettlecise class tonight but think my OH is going to be late home due to distance and traffic :(
Didn't make it too class :( def going Thursday evening!!
Goals for tomorrow Wednesday 30/5/12 :)
No toast or bread, pasta, potatoes, fruit carbs etc
Water 3L - !
No diet coke - None!! It's harder in the afternoons
I will have lunch and dinner with loads green and coloured veg - 1/2 my plate filled with veg/ salad
I will cook something with chickpeas tomorrow
I will have 2 cups dairy a day.. 2 yogurts and cup skimmed milk

Am feeling lighter and less bloated already :)

Day3 of phase1 SBD.. I will focus only on tomorrow and succeeding :)
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Well done on the no diet coke. I always have a diet coke as soon as I get into work. It fills me up so that I can hold out longer for brekkie.

I am trying to drink more water as well. I have got a couple of 500ml bottles on rotation at work. I put them in the freezer and when I take one out I put another in. Lovely and cold!
Struggling with the no diet coke today!! I normally drink them in the afternoon ... I think I may need to amend my thoughts on that.. May be I can have diet coke only after I have drunk 3L water.. As my reasons for cutting the diet coke are that once I have one I then don't drink as much water.. So need to drink another 1.5L today..