Me, Myself & I... Lower carb, fasting, real live foods

I have had a dull headache all day, now feel dizzy and out of sorts!! I feel rubbish with a headache and then can't seem to control my eating! Binged on low fat, mostly mod GI stuff - just way too much ..

I am taking paracetamol and nerofen together like neromol which is helping a bit.. But not totally :(

Good things today;
*** didn't eat my sons chips or nuggets from mcDs (1 chip was eaten to check temp) he fell asleep half way through eating it lol! Had him in the buggy as was returning OH clothes he bought - didn't try on until he got home and of course they didn't fit ..
Ok feeling bit better this morning, had a good sleep.. Am trying some Lemon and ginger tea (infusion) as a start to the day.. Not sure I like it much.. Will continue for 20 cups - and maybe by then I will like it!
Food has been good today! But then I don't have a headache :)
Food has been good today, I even found the strength to put the slice of Pizza my OH saved my from his boys night in the BIN ( I did have a good sniff.. LoL)

Went to kettlercise tonight 60 mins and 492 kcals burnt.. Snack afterwards 2x ww yogurts with Tablespoon Food Doctor Granola (fig and cranberry) in each... Was yummy :) Let's hope I don't get the carb cravings tomorrow!

Let tomorrow be a headache free day :)
I hate getting headaches like that, I've tried to give up diet coke on numerous occassions and have always caved in due to the headaches.

I don't drink tea or coffee so i've decided to stay on the diet coke, i just need to try and not go over 4 cans a day.
I don't drink tea (the real stuff!) or coffee so I drink diet coke too - I've been trying to cut back so I buy the 150ml cans rather than the normal big ones .. And I must say I have between 2-3 a day which is much less than 2-3 big cans :)

I stopped diet coke for 3 mths - I must say I drank more water, but didn't feel any different than when I was drinking it.. So started again just at the smaller can size- my Friends find it funny than I only have dinky cans in the fridge LOL
Got to admit I do love a drink of diet coke, I only usually have one glass a day though, I find it helps when I'm feeling hungry. I'm trying to have more robinsons no added sugar though as I hate plain water! The little can idea is a great idea !
Excellent willpower and exercise yesterday! :) Hope you're having a good day today. Sugar and white carbs can be so insidious with the cravings and the headaches when you don't have them!
Well I've lost 700g (1.5lb) so i am 193lbs this week happy to be moving down again.. Still have a way to go to be back where I was end of April at 186 lbs

No headache today, I took 2 paracetamol this morning with breakfast - plus the lemon and ginger infusion (Tea)

Physio told me to buy some medial arch supports for my shoes as they should help support my tendons in my right heel/leg - bought some gel ones for my normal shoes and some sole replacement ones for my trainers - they were a bit pricy, let's hope they help!

Also realised that doing star jumps (with the Kettlebell) is prob what is irritating the inside of my ankle/ tendon - so think I will not be doing those in class next time! Doh!
Didn't realise we weighed the same, well my last official weigh in was 193.2 cos not recording today's 186.4 cos it'll go up again......

Are you tall? See I'm still a size 18/20 cos I'm only 5ft 3"
I'm 5'5 and a bit (the bit is most important!) and at the mo..

Size 12 bum, size 16/14 trousers, 14/16 tops and a size 18 stomach.. LOL.

End of April I was 186 lbs but since then have had issues with myself and eating too much :) also end of April I hurt my tendon in my foot/heel/ leg again and still have issues with walking - so haven't been running or doing the walk to school - of course it's my right foot and right shoulder..
Size 12 bum, size 16/14 trousers, 14/16 tops and a size 18 stomach.. LOL.

Lol. I hope that's a typo mb. :) how do you fit size 16/14 trousers over a size 12 bum and 18 stomach?! On one side theyre going to hang and in the other they're not going to cover you :)

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toofatkat said:
Size 12 bum, size 16/14 trousers, 14/16 tops and a size 18 stomach.. LOL.

Lol. I hope that's a typo mb. :) how do you fit size 16/14 trousers over a size 12 bum and 18 stomach?! On one side theyre going to hang and in the other they're not going to cover you :)

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I know my bum is a size 12 due to trying on swim suits lol they fit my bum, the size 14 and up are all a bit loose round my bum.. My tummy area is in two parts my waist and below is a size 16/14 my tummy below my breasts (above my waist) is a size 18 (weird!) and my shoulders and breasts are a size 16/14.. So if I wear a 16 top it fit round my shoulders and boobs and then my upper stomach sticks out like I'm pregnant (sigh!!) so most of my trousers need belts or they fall off my bum.. My OH says from behind I look good it's just the front and side view that looks bad :)

I've spoken to a personal trainer and she said to reduce my upper stomach I need cardio exercises like running to 1st shift the flab(fat) off that area before the muscles underneath will a) be visible and b) develop properly also the tops of my thighs are awful and only loads fast walking and running will help with shifting that area.. As even with all the squats and lunges I do in kettlercise my tops of my thighs has not really reduced much ..
That's nice of your OH for those comments. Well if you do all those exercises for each bit you're going to be knackered. ;)

Why can't we get fat evenly all over. It would make life so much easier

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New day! Bloody headaches today! Have been going through sugar withdrawal, had a few high GI items over the weekend.. It hard dealing with the cravings.. The high GI items really made me feel like rubbish, bloated and had a tummy ache too :( Def think white bread and 50/50 bread make me bloat, going to stick to my Vogel soya and linseed bread :) from now on! Better choices need to be made when out with OH and kids, and when at my SIL's
Crap, rubbish day!! :( feeling bit depressed, bloated and just self inflicted binge eating, just can't seem to stop myself.

OH came home late again, so no kettlercise tonight, could not go to Zumba as my heel is still sore.. Feeling really down.

Didn't help OH moaning at me about the crappy state of the house, I know it needs doing, just is too much effort to do it, by the time I've cooked, breakfast, drove to school, cleaned the kitchen, load of washing on airer - my shoulder has had enough and is aching. My sister in law pushes herself to keep her house really clean everyday and by evening she's in loads pain - she had a full historecomy 2 years ago, and still has lower tummy pain. Her kids are older and at UNi, if I push myself all day to clean the house I turn into a grumpy irritable B1tch, my OH would prefer a clean spotless house.. Just can't please him and it makes me even more depressed, emotional stress = eating crap => feeling crap from eating rubbish., blah blah blah!!

Sorry for the negative stuff, but just am stuck in a big hole and keep digging myself deeper..

I am hoping to feel better emotionally in the morning! I will try for a good day tomorrow :)
Awe Hun, hope you have a good day today x

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Thanks, feeling more determined today to avoid the high GI foods/ sugary stuff!! Have started off today alright so far :)