Me, Myself & I... Lower carb, fasting, real live foods

I am assuming that is the body getting rid of what ever has made me bloat, as I feel loads better, that heavy bloated feeling has def gone.. And my stomach has stopped sticking out as much! Lol

I also still take the aloe Vera juice and some pysillian husks tablets (1000mg) to keep things moving :) lol
Yeah I'd imagine your right! It's amazon how a few days of eating well reduced bloating! I know when I got back from te USA my stomach was like a rock!!!

I'm glad your having a great day - and treats make dieting long term success :) xxx
Have been out most of the day, football, then lunch (subway) and shopping for birthday presents for my niece, then to the school fair where I managed to not eat any donuts, or burger buns, instead I ate just the burger patties.. But the donuts looked yummy!! Lol my eyes and mouth drooling :)
Aah cooked some of aunt Bessie's onion rings and OH didn't want dinner :( so um... I ate them had not realised they were so high in cals!!
My stomach has now bloated from eating the breaded onion rings - all hard and tight, not impressed - but def was the onion rings not anything else! Took about 30-40 mins for the reaction! So won't choose to cook or eat them again, let alone buy them! But they were really nice lol. But don't like how they made me feel!!
I've got a really good book and app called carbs, cals proteins and fats which shows photos of the different foods and portion sizes rather than just give you weights . It's a great visual guide.
But I've just been on their website and noticed that they've got a low carb free download for meals with recipes . It might be worth a look

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Have a birthday party to go to this afternoon, not sure what lunch is or where it will be, but will be trying my best to eat to plan :)
Ok, managed lunch ok.. I ate some potatoes to see if they make me bloat like the onion rings did last night. The answer to that is no potatoes things don't make me bloat.

But as its a birthday party had to have some of the cake.. The cake and the desert def have made me bloat.. All made with white flour and real sugar.

Also after reading a few other diaries I think I will give myself a day where I can eat what carbs I want/ feel like. I'm going to nominate Sunday's as that is when we go visiting family and friends. maybe that will help me stick to My plan 6 days and I have a day where if I want to I can eat what I want/ feel like. But try and keep within my cal levels and hopefully low GI. Maybe that will stop my binge eating!!
Good luck with your one day a week, see how it makes you feel. I know when I've tried to do that in the past it's set off wicked cravings on the other days, so now if I'm going to have a day 'off' I'll have my maintenance calories and try to stick to low and moderate GI stuff. See how you get on! :)

Sounds like you did well today! :)
Ok you may well not like what I'm about to say but how will that work? You will spend 6 days a week being on plan & then possibly undo half your work with a day off where you'll eat anythin that is put in front of you. Its then highly possible it will take twice as long for you to lose the weight & I know you're already frustrated at the time it's taking you. Sorry I'm just being honest......
Lexie2005 said:
Ok you may well not like what I'm about to say but how will that work? You will spend 6 days a week being on plan & then possibly undo half your work with a day off where you'll eat anythin that is put in front of you. Its then highly possible it will take twice as long for you to lose the weight & I know you're already frustrated at the time it's taking you. Sorry I'm just being honest......

What I mean is that on Sunday's maybe I will have pancakes made with spelt flour and with low GI sweetener, if we goto friends/family I might have a few potatoes but no bread or rice. If its a birthday I will have a piece of cake. Maybe I will have muesli bar as a snack.. I'm not just going to eat anything I like :) I'm def! not having pizza, or a mcDs burger, I might have a small fries with my mcDs grilled salad bowl.. Or if we go out for dinner will stay away from the bread, and rice and have a big salad, no baked potatoes or pub chips for me. If we have chinese, I will have a mixed veg and a Thai chicken curry leaving the sauce, I'm not sure if rice makes me bloat as haven't tried it yet, but if it's ok will have plain rice aprox 1/2 a cup. I will try and keep within my kcals...

I know know that normal white style or 50/50 bread and standard white flour make me bloat, I'm not sure if white sugar or brown sugar do but am trying to avoid them as much as possible.

The reason for trying this Is that Sundays I find hard to stick to plan as we are normally out most of the day, and end up eating dinner at one of my SILs and lunch out somewhere. Then Monday I get depressed that I gave in ate off plan, and end up binging just because I feel rubbish about myself.

At the moment I still feel positive, ok I've eaten a bit much today, but I made the decision to let myself, have the potatoes and a few chips, I had a large bit of cake, that the birthday girl made (just turned 12) and a large portion of desert, that my sister in law makes normally only at new year.

I will have to see tomorrow how I feel after eating the cake and the desert, how my sugary carb cravings are, and just deal with them. Part of why I changed my WI day to Friday was so that I can deal with the damage from Sunday, and i have all week to do it in :)

I think I'm more frustrated at myself for being unable to stick to my plan more than 2-3 days a week.. I'm hoping that having this day where the rules are a bit more relaxed will help keep me positive, Plus keep me on track for 6 days. I'm willing to try it and if it works great!

I'm not bothered about how much I loose just that the scales keep going down little by little, it might take longer, but I've come to realise that going from a 20 to a 16 in a year - I'm happy with, and yes I've found it really hard work, I've discovered a great exercise class (kettlercise) that I enjoy, and want to continue with in the future, I realise now that exercise is the key to loosing and keeping weight off. I'm slowly removing sugary and high GI foods from my diet.

If I can continue to be positive about my journey then I will succeed!

Hey all input into my thoughts/ plans for my diet plans is gleefully received :) cause sometimes it may be utter drivel lol
Mb I'm just not sure you're on the right plan for you. If its so hard to stick to without falling off the wagon each week then it can't be right. Losing as much weight as we need to needs to be something that we can eat for life without too much difficulty .
Have you tried just eating your BMR cals as you exercise so much you should still lose weight but be less hungry. Also go wheat and/or gluten free. Rather than just trying to eliminate a few at a time.
You can really only tell what doesn't agree with you once it's all out of your system. Don't have anything for about 5 days then reintroduce one item at a time. Then you'll get a true reaction

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toofatkat said:
Mb I'm just not sure you're on the right plan for you. If its so hard to stick to without falling off the wagon each week then it can't be right. Losing as much weight as we need to needs to be something that we can eat for life without too much difficulty .
Have you tried just eating your BMR cals as you exercise so much you should still lose weight but be less hungry. Also go wheat and/or gluten free. Rather than just trying to eliminate a few at a time.
You can really only tell what doesn't agree with you once it's all out of your system. Don't have anything for about 5 days then reintroduce one item at a time. Then you'll get a true reaction

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Thanks for that :) I'm figuring out that if I get down and depressed for what ever reason I end up bingeing, and feeling guilty and it takes me weeks to pick myself back up, yes i still exercise, which helps me not put loads back on. But if I can keep myself in a positive frame of mind I can deal better with my choices, I deal better with my headaches and aches and pains, so if allowing myself a day of more relaxed choices on a Sunday helps me stay positive - I've got to try it out- as what I have been doing has not been working!

I don't mean that come Sunday I'm going binge eat, or pig out on choc, cakes and biscuits, pizza and fast food. I just allowing myself the choice if I want to eat some fries at mcDs I can, I don't have to have the fries, I don't have to have large fries, maybe I just have a few of my OHs it's just that I can with out feeling guilty/ down/ depressed.

I'm still going to stick to my plan as much as possible but allow myself other choices only on that day. For me Sunday is spent out visiting or having people visit us..

By Friday of this week most of my sugar cravings had gone and that hungry feeling had disappeared, so once the plan I'm doing is working I should have less hungry moments/ days as my blood sugar should be levelling out :)

Ask me the same question end of next week!! As to if I think it's working :) otherwise duct tape with a hole for a straw will be the way to go lol - my OHs suggestion - funny man!!

Thanks for the input :)
5 hours walking around shopping mall looking at clothes etc with my sister in law! Had a mcDs salad with grilled chicken no chips and then just had sainsbury cooked chicken and loads salad - was so hungry!!
Well a whole week of sticking to "my" plan, 1st 2-3 days were really hard, having the idea of Sunday off is helping as is having a 100 kcal snack item (not real choc, but a low GI item or a very small walls classic icecream cone) has helped me stay on track and in a positive mind set :)

I have avoided mcDs fries, and my SILs best effects to get me to eat some fresh French bread yesterday, today I avoided the Jaffa cakes and crackers, I've chosen good snacks and am not hungry during the day. I've been coping with my aches and pains too - feeling really positive about continuing!

Here's to a 2nd good week!
This weight loss lark is hard work so well done for recognising your triggers and looking at how to avoid them.

I wish I could find a kettle class near me, i would like to try it.