Lexie2005 said:
Ok you may well not like what I'm about to say but how will that work? You will spend 6 days a week being on plan & then possibly undo half your work with a day off where you'll eat anythin that is put in front of you. Its then highly possible it will take twice as long for you to lose the weight & I know you're already frustrated at the time it's taking you. Sorry I'm just being honest......
What I mean is that on Sunday's maybe I will have pancakes made with spelt flour and with low GI sweetener, if we goto friends/family I might have a few potatoes but no bread or rice. If its a birthday I will have a piece of cake. Maybe I will have muesli bar as a snack.. I'm not just going to eat anything I like

I'm def! not having pizza, or a mcDs burger, I might have a small fries with my mcDs grilled salad bowl.. Or if we go out for dinner will stay away from the bread, and rice and have a big salad, no baked potatoes or pub chips for me. If we have chinese, I will have a mixed veg and a Thai chicken curry leaving the sauce, I'm not sure if rice makes me bloat as haven't tried it yet, but if it's ok will have plain rice aprox 1/2 a cup. I will try and keep within my kcals...
I know know that normal white style or 50/50 bread and standard white flour make me bloat, I'm not sure if white sugar or brown sugar do but am trying to avoid them as much as possible.
The reason for trying this Is that Sundays I find hard to stick to plan as we are normally out most of the day, and end up eating dinner at one of my SILs and lunch out somewhere. Then Monday I get depressed that I gave in ate off plan, and end up binging just because I feel rubbish about myself.
At the moment I still feel positive, ok I've eaten a bit much today, but I made the decision to let myself, have the potatoes and a few chips, I had a large bit of cake, that the birthday girl made (just turned 12) and a large portion of desert, that my sister in law makes normally only at new year.
I will have to see tomorrow how I feel after eating the cake and the desert, how my sugary carb cravings are, and just deal with them. Part of why I changed my WI day to Friday was so that I can deal with the damage from Sunday, and i have all week to do it in
I think I'm more frustrated at myself for being unable to stick to my plan more than 2-3 days a week.. I'm hoping that having this day where the rules are a bit more relaxed will help keep me positive, Plus keep me on track for 6 days. I'm willing to try it and if it works great!
I'm not bothered about how much I loose just that the scales keep going down little by little, it might take longer, but I've come to realise that going from a 20 to a 16 in a year - I'm happy with, and yes I've found it really hard work, I've discovered a great exercise class (kettlercise) that I enjoy, and want to continue with in the future, I realise now that exercise is the key to loosing and keeping weight off. I'm slowly removing sugary and high GI foods from my diet.
If I can continue to be positive about my journey then I will succeed!
Hey all input into my thoughts/ plans for my diet plans is gleefully received

cause sometimes it may be utter drivel lol