Me, Myself & I... Lower carb, fasting, real live foods

Have made a SBD quiche style snack (can be frozen and microwaved) has eggs, frozen spinach, low fat cheese, onions, peppers etc in it - had a taste is ok.. Made 6 portions and will freeze 5 for other days.

Also made a chickpea curry with spinach for lunch/ dinner will put 1/2 in the fridge.
Glad your having a better day, dieting's so hard at the best of times, it's impossibly hard when your down. I'm terrible if I have an off day at eating too much and bingeing. The chickpea and spinach curry sounds nice. Do you have a recipe for it? I've never cooked with chickpeas!
Do you think going back to complete basics like simple calorie counting not excluding any food groups might be an idea? You may find it easier to stay on track that way?

xAlisonx said:
Glad your having a better day, dieting's so hard at the best of times, it's impossibly hard when your down. I'm terrible if I have an off day at eating too much and bingeing. The chickpea and spinach curry sounds nice. Do you have a recipe for it? I've never cooked with chickpeas!

1 onion
1 tin chickpeas
1 tin chopped tomatoes
1 tsp cumin
2 tsp coriander
1 tsp mustard seeds
300g frozen spinach
2 bits garlic crushed/ chopped

Fry onion with fry light till soft add spices, fry till smell nice (few mins) add tin tomatoes and garlic, cook for 5 mins on med heat, add chickpeas and cook for 15 mins on a low heat with lid on, stirring a few times, add spinach and cook for until spinach is hot and not frozen (aprox 10 mins) Low heat with lid on. You can add light coconut milk at the end if you want too :) enjoy
Mizkirsty said:
Do you think going back to complete basics like simple calorie counting not excluding any food groups might be an idea? You may find it easier to stay on track that way?


I do count my cals and am honest with what I eat on mfp. Just lack the focus to stick to my limits.

I know how I want to eat/ live, it's just making the right choices when I am eating! I also need to be bothered to prepare and cook proper meals, and eat before I'm hungry, and not be driven by my cravings.

I actually like cooking and trying new recipes, it is the last 5-6 years that I have felt worse, more tired, unable to remember things, cloudy head - ok some of it is baby brain lol The specialist said that my shoulder prob would have started getting worse again from my pregnancies due to the stress that it puts on your body, and then the constant carrying and picking up of kids etc., And that the Kettlebell classes just highlighted everything ESP once I started using the heavier bells.
Mis-behave said:
I do count my cals and am honest with what I eat on mfp. Just lack the focus to stick to my limits.

I know how I want to eat/ live, it's just making the right choices when I am eating! I also need to be bothered to prepare and cook proper meals, and eat before I'm hungry, and not be driven by my cravings.

I actually like cooking and trying new recipes, it is the last 5-6 years that I have felt worse, more tired, unable to remember things, cloudy head - ok some of it is baby brain lol The specialist said that my shoulder prob would have started getting worse again from my pregnancies due to the stress that it puts on your body, and then the constant carrying and picking up of kids etc., And that the Kettlebell classes just highlighted everything ESP once I started using the heavier bells.

Yeah I know you still cc but I know you also try and do low gi what I meant was maybe it would be easier just to focus on one aspect rather than trying to do all of them bc that must be difficult?!

Ok so is there anything we can do to help you control those cravings?! How did you control then before!?

By the sounds of it your shoulder is always gonna play you up :( so you need to find something that'll mean you don't comfort eat when that gets bad for you?! Or even selecting a comfort food but only Allowing yourself that one and nothing else maybe so your still in control even at your most vulnerable?! X
Counting cals is not so hard, and eating low GI is ok too, it's once I try and add back in some mod GI items, plus fruit and grains that I tend to go over board!

Before when I had the xen tablets I was more focused, I think they helped focus me. I know it's all in my head!

I was also more focused once my heel troubles were sorted as I felt more positive and was enjoying the exercise, and with the walking and jogging my weigh was going down steadily again,
The kettlercise classes I was doing 4x a week and was using a 6kg and was really seeing a difference in my body shape.

I think it was that I felt positive and able to cope better with my cravings. At the mo I feel frustrated that I can't do the exercise I want to, ok my heel is on the mend but it's still a few mths before it's better, I'm also frustrated/depressed that I can't really get into the kettlercise as much as I want to, because of my shoulder.

My operation is on the 22nd Aug and then I have mths of rehab and physio, hopefully my heel is sorted by then and I can at least walk longer distances!

Just need an attitude adjustment :).

Yesterday was ok food wise, had serious cravings for sugary stuff but managed not to eat them or binge on the carbs! But I also cooked a decent meal for lunch and dinner.
Today is going well, am managing to stick to plan so far, :)
Plum; That quiche cups made from the south beach diet book seems very spinachy is that right?
WI today I've lost 700g, (1.5lbs) 86.9kgs (191.5 lbs) really think that is in the last few days.

I've managed to stick to plan for the last 2 days, but have had serious sugar cravings - but didn't give in :) ate nuts instead lol

Decided not to go to kettlercise class yesterday as my leg was hurting from the acupuncture - lady at physio is very good with the needles but it does hurt!! She puts it into the knot in my calf, which is slowly getting smaller, but the pain in my heel is not getting better so have been referred back to the doctor. Have doc appt today - see what she says ..
Well done that's great ! I just dont get how you do it! I so much as look at bad food and I gain!!!

Think I need to perhaps do what you do hey :) maybe that's the way forward!!!!!! xx
Mizkirsty said:
Well done that's great ! I just dont get how you do it! I so much as look at bad food and I gain!!!

Think I need to perhaps do what you do hey :) maybe that's the way forward!!!!!! xx

Maybe we all do hey lol
Mizkirsty said:
Well done that's great ! I just dont get how you do it! I so much as look at bad food and I gain!!!

Think I need to perhaps do what you do hey :) maybe that's the way forward!!!!!! xx

The last 2 days I cut high GI food, so no potatoes, bread, pasta, muesli bars, cereal, fruit, biscuits all sugary stuff (except for 100g walls classic vanilla in a Askleys cone) I have had really bad cravings - so have been eating more nuts to combat those cravings - normally I would not be eating quite so many nuts. :) but they seem to help, Also been really hungry!

I know if I stick to the plan and prepare food in advance, like the quiche cups which are just made with egg, spinach, red peppers and some low fat cheese and baked in oven, plus the chickpea curry, and have the salad stuff in the fridge. Plus be bothered to eat it before I'm hungry then I do ok.. Lol

Apart from the nuts, I'm cooking with fry light (most of the time) so trying to keep the fat content down, also lean meats etc

I have less cravings today, thank goodness, but have had a really bad headache today - doc gave me some co-dydramol which has helped

I'm feeling loads less bloated and feel lighter., just need to keep my focus :)

So unless you want to give up your carbs - potatoes, bread, pasta stick to what your doing as it def working for you :) this works for me as long as I stick to it ;)
But that's a huge amount of weight to loose in 2days!!! I means that's a 7000 deficit in 2days!!!! I'd be surprised if that was just carb cutting bc on red days I dont tend to eat many carbs!!

I may research this southern beach diet!!! See if I can pick out the top tips!!! Lol xx
In phase 1 of south beach the weight does come off quick, the amount of carbs per day I've been eating is aprox 100 and under.. Still keeping up with water intake.. But if I stop eating this way the weight comes back, so when it comes to reintroducing some low GI carbs, it just depends on how my body reacts, and whether I can control myself :)
But it doesn't seem healthy I mean if you can loose that quick but gain it back just as quick is it really true losses/gains? If you get me it can't physically be fat cells disappearing and reappearing that suddenly surely!

Unless its water initially I don't know! I'm just intrigued its almost like a tfr loss so quick in my head anyway! I might speak to the dietician at work see if I can grasp the science and maybe incorporate it!! X
Sorry I'm thinking aloud! X
Mizkirsty said:
But it doesn't seem healthy I mean if you can loose that quick but gain it back just as quick is it really true losses/gains? If you get me it can't physically be fat cells disappearing and reappearing that suddenly surely!

Unless its water initially I don't know! I'm just intrigued its almost like a tfr loss so quick in my head anyway! I might speak to the dietician at work see if I can grasp the science and maybe incorporate it!! X

The idea of the phase 1 part of the diet is to reduce your cravings for simple carbs, choc, candy bars, crisps, biscuits, pasta, bread, rice, fruit, and sort of kick start your weight loss.

Today I'm day 4 and my cravings for bread and biscuits, has def reduced. I'm much less hungry than I have been so hopefully I will come in under my kcals today.

Altho I have been having a 100kcal treat most days a small scoop of walls classic vanilla and a standard cone, today my treat is a low GI nakd bar coca loco

Lunch today is a subway salad with chicken - very nice :)