Me, Myself & I... Lower carb, fasting, real live foods

An STS is good considering you haven't been able to move hun, at lease there wasn't a gain, so well done hun!
Well done on your sts as bunny hops said at least it wasn't a gain.
OMG big shock this morning.. Have lost 900g (1.9lbs) this morning, was really not expecting that.. Been STS for 2 weeks due to injury and not eating to plan.

Went to family birthday party with kids sat lunch.. Then on to a family leaving BBQ, nephew off to uni.. Drank diet coke all day! Mfp said I ate 2500 cals and 117g fat.. Mr tango said I had been really bad.. And stayed all day yesterday... Yesterday food was ok.. Drank loads water to help mr tango.. still am in shock! Proper weigh in wed morning.. So we will just have to see :)
I do hope you've lost that...good luck for Wednesday... maybe it was Mr Tango that helped you along ;)
WOW thats great fingers crossed for wednesday.
Hope it's the same.. Cause then my OH is taking me to a restaurant of my choice :) thinking Japanese.. Sushi mmmm
Well done
Well done :)
Now do I go out to dinner Fri or Sat night? Friday he's bound to be late so will be hungry.. Sat night is his boys night out.. So what to do lol
To be kind I have decided Friday night it is! 8pm.. Hope I can last that long to eat dinner! I tend to eat at 6pm most nights with the kids and OH if he's home :)
Had a good time, we both got dressed up :) Japanese restaurant was busy and the food was good.. Had lovely sushi, grilled meats and a small amount of tempura.. It was funny being out with no children.. Right my next treat is off to the movies.. 4kgs (8.8lbs) away!
Had a crap day.. Coughed till I vomited this morning! Feeling yuck most of day! Is the week before totm .. Was really hoping that I wouldn't go through how I felt last mth, was hoping it was a one off!! Oh well think put kids to bed I will ho to xnd hope for better tomorrow!

** note ** to self DO NOT BUY cheese cake mix and make for husband! (I ate most of it!.. Or almost all of it!) ok I did make with skimmed milk..
It's much nicer if you make your own cheesecake. You can make it with quark and elmlea and sweetener which limits the damage but still not xen friendly

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