morning Meike

have a lovely weekend - are you doing these sit ups too? x
Hi Rach, thanks had a really nice one so far, hope so did you xx
No Rach I don't actually think she is too busy polishing her whip the orginal Miss Whiplash she is
gets down on the floor 31, 32, 33 how many do I have to do Whippy ?
LOL, erm, me doing sit-ups?? you're having a laugh, eh? (doubt that I would even manage to do one

) am quite happy being on this end of the whip, thank you very much

BUT to make up for that: May I announce that I have been *drumrolls*


yesterday!! around 4,5k, with roughly 1/3 of the way walking as breaks in between the jogging bits - but am soooo proud of myself!! Finally got started again! *woohoo*:bliss:
Reason for that was (not that I would slave myself like this just for the fun of it): an invitation for Dinner yesterday night by a friend of mine who shared her menu aforehand: fried Risottoballs, huge roast chicken and chocolate mousse and espresso brulee..

and as we were staying (which means looooaaaads of red..

) I needed to do something.. so I kicked my backside and went my former "normal morning run".. and now am in pain :cry: my shins, and legs and tummy.. outch.. :cry: Have to re-think the morning-run on tuesday - which is depending on the daylight at 6am anyway (already an excuse at hand

Am pretty proud to be honest, planned on starting jogging when the clock changes - but am 3 weeks early..

Won't be doing much tonight, gonna cook a spaghetti bolo and will then have to decide between Sandra Bullock in "the proposal"or *droooool* lovely Gerard in "the Ugly Truth" hmmm.. my poor OH has to deal with these girlie films - or maybe I enjoy them in the bedroom and let him indulge in some topgear or whatever manly stuff is on telly tonight
Hope you all had a lovely weekend xx