Michelles Atkins Diary -Let the Fun Begin

Morning Michelle ... I really must do the cauliflower mash! Lol ... Hope you have a good day :)
I made some of that mock fried rice on day 2 out of cauliflower and it did not agree with me at all. It's put me right off cauliflower just now. I might give it another go with some cheese sauce next time.
Evening all - been busy today - including taking grand-daughter to see the Lion King 3D along with my 24 year old daughter who used to watch it over & over & over again until she wore the video out, and she cried bless her.

B) 1 very large flat mushroom

L) nothing

D) Haddock in cheese sauce with stir fry (lots if allowed veggies)

S) cheesestring x2

Morning Michelle ... I love the soundtrack to Lion King... I'd have probably cried too!

Hope you have a lovely day :)
Night all - or morning really - just finished a night shift - didn't feel very well yesterday - very tired and lethargic - I have a sore mouth too - must be a touch of the "Atkins Flu"

B) egg, bacon, mushroom,toms

S) My first MIM with Philly (yum)

D) chicken breast wrapped in Bacon and cheese, broccoli and cauli cheese

S) took to work to snack on some cheese cubes

L) chicken & egg salad

W) lots

Total Carbs just over 20

Hope you all have a good day whilst I'm snoozing - take care

Night night Michelle :)
Oh dear, hopefully you'll feel better today :)
I nearly caved in!!!

I woke up and was having a tidy up when I opened the cereal cupboard and saw some porridge oats which screamed at me to eat them, I was so tempted but resisted the urge thinking don't spoil your good work, so as an incentive I weighed myself thinking only started Saturday hopefully I've lost about 2lbs - OMG I've not lost 2 I've lost 6 yes *** 6lbs*** already - wow - I can't believe it, yippee , and I've not gone hungry and eating yummy foods - woohoo - sod the porridge don't want you, don't need you - CAN YOU TELL I'M HAPPY - lol xx
OMG thats brilliant. I hope i lose 6 this week too, ive been very good. Not like last week as it turns out. keep it up x
Wow!!! Well done Michelle - that's amazing!! :)
Morning all - feeling tired and off to bed - hope i sleep as well as yesterday didn't wake up until 3 pm - yesterdays menu was

B) not had again due to waking up late

L) MIM with cream cheese - ham, spinach and cream cease wraps with a couple of cherry toms

D) x2 -100% beefburgers , courgette pasta with a homemade tomato type sauce, mushrooms, Brussels fried with garlic.

S) nothing

W) loads

E) fingers did lots of typing

A) forgotten what that is
Morning Michelle... Hope you sleep ok :)
Hi thanks slept ok'ish don't know where last few days have gone. Not very good food wise today - I've eaten nothing illegal - just snacking once I got up at 11 - had lots of running around before our Halloween Ann Summers party this evening - lots of girly fun. Anyway finished off with a quick chicken stir fry this evening-lots of veggies was full but have only used 13 net carbs today.

Oh yes official week one weigh in a loss of 6lb - very happy - nite all - have a good weekend x
6lb - good loss. :D. I'd be so happy with that. And look at the yummy foods you eat. I need to start recording my foods here too it's really useful to look back on. The burgers - are they the Big ALS ones? I fancy a burger now lol.
They were x2 Asda 100% beef quarter pounders from the frozen section then put some cheese slices in between and on top to make a stack but will use mozzarella or cheddar next time as slices were fairly high carb
Wow! Well done Michelle !! Great loss! Onwards and downwards :)
Morning Michelle, that is a great loss, well done there love :)
Hi Jim thanks - do you have your own diary I can't seem to find it. Another lazy day for me today - back on late turn tomorrow the worst shift of all for eating - so will be salad every day. Xx