
I have to make a confession....I had 2 glasses of wine last night, but it has given me a headache this morning....

After 4 days of the new job, and a day off today I thought I deserved it....Jx
LOL, and it has so much more effect when you're on Atkins I found, I became a cheap drunk :)
Yes you are absolutely be careful when I have a night out with friends...might make a complete ass of myself..mind you whats
LMAO, you'll be pleased (or maybe sad) that it goes away once you get into the higher reaches of OWL Jane. :)
Thanks Laura, I am drinking as much water as I am able to, they aren't the dark purple. you are right in that they are darker when I haven't drank so much....

I am finding it difficult to drink a lot in my job, its practically impossible to drink much, I get one break and that is when I can drink. So I try to have as much as possible when I get home at is a pain...

Thanks again....Jx