Hi Min
Glad its going well. I have also been "mixing it up a little". That was never my intention, but I found I just don;t have the pure steely will power and resolve I had the first time around. I was so black and white the first time - it was the only way I felt I could get through 10 months of a VLCD, so I never ever strayed off the course. And at the time, my focus was strong, life was pretty calm, and I managed that.
8 years later, I am a different person, and find I do NOT have that steely resolve - at least not yet. So I have been having at times the smallest amount of proteins just to shut up my head. I am not happy with myself - however - I am not going to beat myself up because its keeping me in the game. And I am still losing weekly and thats what matters. If it means it take me an extra month to get to my goal - at leat I know I will get to my goal.
So I have relaxed my approach this time around, at least for now. I do hope to get to where I manage to be 100% - but mentally I have to "do what I have to do" this time jut to stay in the game.
Make it work, one way or another. Thats my motto this time. lol
Glad youa re dong well and staying on course!
