Minerva's corner...

Aww thanks Minerva, you always say such lovely things! I'm doing well, still a bit stiff and sore and got some swelling but so much better this last couple of weeks. I've moved on from 1:1 physio to a group gym-based class, there are six of us who've all had the same op and it's actually quite enjoyable and sociable. I'm managing 15 mins on the exercise bike, and 15 mins on the treadmill which is good. It's weird because the treadmill part is about learning to walk again properly using the right technique; when the joint has been so damaged you adapt by limping and walking badly and its strange to have to learn to walk again,something most people take for granted!

I'm quite enjoying having my daughter here, it's like old times! I feel really sad though she is splitting up with her partner, they've been together nearly ten years and I am so fond of him, he's a really lovely guy. I kept hoping that they would work it out, but it's her decision to go, and so I accept it and will support her as best I can.

How's the S&S going so far? (good job they're not called Slim & Maintain :p ) xx
Today is going well, thank you! I haven't been hungry and the fact that I've officially started has prevented me from going into food shops. The thought was there, but then I remembered, DIET! And it put that thought to rest. Not in any resentful way, but in a calm - it will still be there when you are through this bit - kind of way. It's been good. :)
Hope you're feeling the same sense of calm too. x
I do agree with you VLCD's can be tough! But I'm only doing 4 weeks of it, so it's not going to be too bad. Having done them before - kind of helps. The meals taste like cr*p, but hey, it's a means to an end. I think before I started it for the first time, it sounded completely alien and undoable for any stretch of time, but, it taught me I can do anything if I put my mind to it. It's not for everyone though, it's a very isolating diet and brings up a lot of struggles that we usually bury in food, but with the safety blanket is gone, they really can become a bit more ugly.

There is an off-day in there though on the 9th July, our street is having its annual street party... And I'll be making a traditional Russian honey cake... that is if my oven cooperates. :rolleyes:

Day 2 today, already 2lbs down from yesterday ^^ yay.
Glad its going well, by the time I am back off holiday you will be halfway through! x
Ooh annual street party sounds fun & Russian honey cake sounds delish :) Do you have Russian anecestory (if you don't mind me asking?) or is it just a good recipe you've come across? I've never heard of traditional Russian honey cake but it sure sounds good!
I am half Russian and half Latvian. :) I'll link the cake below, whenever I've made it for the neighbours they've loved it because it's so different from the sponge cake they have in the UK! I alter the recipe a bit according to how I like it, sometimes I put some caramelised condensed milk in the filling, or make it into a chocolate dough/filling cake, it's very versatile! It takes a bit longer than a normal cake, but it's so worth it! :D I usually do between 6-10 layers in there, the more the better.

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Wow Minerva, that cake looks amazing - so different to anything I've tried before! It's such a clever idea to keep the scraps for decoration, I'd have never have thought of that.

I used to love baking but don't really do it anymore. Partly because I've been wanting to lose weight for a while (even though I haven't put any serious effort into it until recently!) and partly because I now live alone so there's no-one to help me eat anything I bake. I occasionally bake things for work but I find it such a hassle to transport cakes to the office as I'm reliant on public transport. I'm probably just being lazy though.

I really want to see more of Eastern Europe. I went to Riga a few years ago am absolutely loved it. Although I recall it raining a fair bit (no change from here then....). I actually have some Polish heritage but have sadly never been to Poland. It is high up on my places to visit when I save some money for travelling.

Is your neighbourhood party to mark a specific occasion or is it just for fun?
Wow Minerva, that cake looks amazing - so different to anything I've tried before! It's such a clever idea to keep the scraps for decoration, I'd have never have thought of that.

I used to love baking but don't really do it anymore. Partly because I've been wanting to lose weight for a while (even though I haven't put any serious effort into it until recently!) and partly because I now live alone so there's no-one to help me eat anything I bake. I occasionally bake things for work but I find it such a hassle to transport cakes to the office as I'm reliant on public transport. I'm probably just being lazy though.

I really want to see more of Eastern Europe. I went to Riga a few years ago am absolutely loved it. Although I recall it raining a fair bit (no change from here then....). I actually have some Polish heritage but have sadly never been to Poland. It is high up on my places to visit when I save some money for travelling.

Is your neighbourhood party to mark a specific occasion or is it just for fun?

I wish I could send you a piece littlemiss :p It really is an amazing cake, people on my street call me 'cake queen' because it really is quite unique! I like baking too, but I never do it, my partner isn't a massive baked goods lover and it would be unfair to him and his waistline (he suffers with weight gain problems as much as I do...).
Riga is amazing! I have a flat there, and have been meaning to go back sometime soon. :) I'm glad you enjoyed it! Did you go to the beach (Jurmala)? It's the most quiet, beautiful sandy beach. Usually the weather is actually good, we do get a lot of sun and 25+ degrees in the summer. I've wanted to go see Poland too, it has so much history, but as a Russian I'm a bit weary. There are countries where they can be a little hostile towards them (like Hungary) due to past conflicts. Hell, even in Latvia they can be a bit nasty, but thankfully I speak Latvian so I can hide it a bit. My dad isn't so lucky though.

The street party, we had our first one for the Queen's Jubilee of some sort (Diamond?) in 2011 or 2012 and it just developed into an annual event since people enjoyed themselves so much! We live in a cul-de-sac, so we close the road, rent a bouncy castle for the kids (and drunk adults), everyone contributes some food and alcohol and there's a BBQ! My partner is also playing with his covers band for the second year running, it should be fun (if I can get drunk enough to get past my social awkwardness that is D: ).
So day 3 yesterday went well :) I did have very strong 'head hunger' ... is that a thing? ... well now it is. I wasn't actually hungry as such, but I just WANTED all the bad things. Day 3 and 4 are like that I guess. Sort of pushing back at the diet with thoughts "you can delay it a little longer".... and the fact that I'm pretty much back to the weight I was 2 weeks ago doesn't help with that mentality. Makes me feel more complacent, because it shows me water weight has a large boundary and I can get it off in 3 days. I do find that crazy though! I ate SO BADLY over the last 2 weeks and yet, pre-"food holiday" weight (which would have also been minus water weight) and now, 3 days into it, weighing pretty much the same as before. That's just nuts. Maybe my metabolism isn't as bad as I thought?

I really need to give myself a talking to... The fact is, I'd be wasting more time if I eat more than I should. I'd feel bad and guilty. Yes I seem to be able to bounce back pretty easily, but it'll be another few days added, which I don't want to do. I want to get into the 10's by August sometime. I want to get into size 12's - which are quite close. Another stone and I'll be comfortable in them. I want to be in the normal BMI range. Just need to remember these points and maybe that will spur me on. >.<
It wasn't really beach weather when we there. I guess we were just unlucky as we went in July (it was warm but just quite wet!) and only for a few days (we then travelled across the border to Riga for another few days where we did actually get some sun). I would love to go back one day!

Aww, your street party sounds so lovely, I'm sure you'll have a great time :)
Hi Minerva, that cake looks amazing! I love baking and go through phases when I bake loads, and then won't do any for months. Mainly when I'm trying to lose weight!

Your street party sounds fun! I wish we had something like that round here. Where I used to live we had a similar thing on the local field once a year that was partly a fund raiser for the local school and it was great.

Well done on your first three days, I so empathise with all you say about "head hunger", and also the annoyance of feeling like you've wasted time when you fall off the wagon. Life gets in the way sometimes, I have to remind myself I'm in it for the long haul and it's unfortunately something I have and will have to grapple with all my life, I've always either been on a diet, worrying that I should be on a diet, or eating for Britain and thinking life's too short to deprive myself so what the hell. Sometimes all three in the same week! :rolleyes: xx
Day 6 - I'm still clinging on somehow. I did have a slip on Saturday because finding the willpower to keep going is near impossible at the moment... and the weight loss on the scales doesn't seem to be a motivator AT ALL. Knowing so much about diets and calories doesn't help either... Argghh..!
The willpower is still not there, neither is the motivation, but I'm sticking with it still... Yesterday went well, according to my own plan - I'm mixing this VLCD up a little to suit me, but still keeping carbs low and calorie intake the same as it would have been on 4 packs. Maybe I will feel more motivated as time goes by, the first week is always the toughest mentally and it's always extra hard when I know there's an event coming up with food and drink... But, I'll do my best to stick to it.

WI tomorrow, we'll see how I do. :)