Silver Member
well done, any loss is a loss (I know I should listen to that too!!)
Glad the exam went wellx
Glad the exam went wellx
Day 80 today! My OH convinced me somehow to celebrate the end of exams on Wednesday and I ended up with a (small!) pizza and shared a bottle of wine with him while watching The Martian. It was a nice relaxing evening, but I did feel bad for eating so much! There was a bit of candy in there too, but I don't usually eat it, so, it was a special occasion treat! Been 100% good since then, but somehow have to manage tomorrow and Sunday... I'm going to go play Dungeons and Dragons with some people tomorrow which means willpower to the max to avoid the unhealthy snacks. Maybe I'll bring some cherry tomatoes and carrot sticks - which I'm perfectly happy with. It's more a problem of seeing everyone else eat rather than the actual items themselves.
Sunday - we're going to OH's parents for Father's Day celebrations, most of his family are going to be there with a buffet of food. Argh.. I somehow have to avoid all that. Or be sensible. BUT. I still do have ONE problem around food - and that is, if I don't know the calorie numbers and if something clicks in my brain saying I've had too much, the "sod it, have ALL THE THINGS" trigger is pulled. I need to learn how to address it or it will be a big reason for any big regains in the future...
I saw Warcraft yesterday too... The movie was ... average as far as plot goes. It had a lot of content that fans would understand, but I struggle to see how someone who has never played any of the games would make sense of it. Still, a lot of the movie settings, characters and props actually exist in the game universe and that was awesome to see come to life.
I went to see warcraftthe other week in 3d and really enjoyed it although never seen the game.
Good luck with S&SSlim & Save is pretty decentI did their plan a few years ago as Lighter Life is just way too expensive! The products tasted nicer too. I've never tried Cambridge/Exante or Lipotrim though, so I can't really compare to those
Day 1 - again. We'll see how today goesPlan to stick to 3 VLCD meals today, plus coffee. Yesterday wasn't too bad, ended up at 1400 or so calories, I cut down on the junk and had a Hello Fresh! meal to use up. It was all fine until after dinner, some devil possessed me to make pancakes for dessert.
At least I shared them with the OH (some part of me was just going to eat the lot and he'd never know!) - he was out all evening at band practice, so he had a tasty surprise to come home to along side the stupidly elaborate Asian twist Duck a l'Orange.
WI this morning, and it's the same as last week - even with all the junk I was eating... but still +6lbs from 2 weeks ago. Technically, with the amount I've been eating and all the junk, I'm surprised it's not more. Oh well, it is what it is.
In a way, the downward spiral can be attributed to two things - complacency, I was starting to feel good in my clothes and my general appearance. I had some photos taken of me (I HATE being photographed...) at the family gathering on the 19th and I was so surprised. I didn't hate them! I actually looked ok!Might post it up at some point if I'm brave enough...
The second one was the old... "You've broken the diet now, one more day won't hurt".And "there's room for a little gain, you'll get it off in no time". Well, this sort of thinking can, in my experience, undo EVERYTHING, as it continues pretty much almost all the way to the start weight... The brain is like - oh it's still below your starting weight, you're fine! Until you wake up one day and realise you're only 1lb away from that weight and you're like "Ah crap". So enough is enough, 6lb gain (some of which will thankfully be glycogen as I feel really 'puffy') is not the end of the world and fixable. The only thing I really regret is the waste of time. It's 3 weeks lost, 2 for all the eating and 1 to get it back down into the weight loss range. Oh well.
No point in dwelling. Draw a line under it, start fresh. It's good to put my foot down before things get out of hand, I feel strangely calm to start this again.