Dedicating your life to care for others is really admirable.

I can imagine the hours can be hectic at times and that can take a toll. I hope you get the rest you need now without the night shifts as those can be horrendously tiring. My Belgian friends do them, I honestly don't know how they cope!
I did psychology for a brief time during my first university degree, and while some of it can be a bit... speculative to say the least, there are certainly aspects which are valid. Early year development is quite detrimental, but I didn't think that certain things affected physical health as much as they do. There's lots to think about on that front and try to find ways to manage my stress levels better as anything can send me off. Severe social anxiety also doesn't help, but I guess reflecting on it, I can see why it's developed.
On the diet front - I'm again frustrated about how little I'm losing and my momentum/motivation is a bit low. I did have the weekend off so I know I shouldn't be too disheartened. But, I always find that when I start dipping into the 11's, I get my confidence back so that results in crooked thinking - thinking I've lost enough, that a day off won't hurt. But at the end of the day, I know I don't see what I want to see in the mirror yet. My parents say I look good now, that being larger (and curvier) suits me. But, does it? Are they just used to me being a bit bigger? Are they saying it to be nice? I'm not sure. I have to keep going, I know I felt the most amazing at 9st 3 mark (going lower made me feel pretty ill and unattractive...), I don't know if I'm going to be able to get there though. 10st is my target at the moment, so if I ever get there, I'll reassess then. All I know is that I need to lose some more weight for myself, to stop letting my weight from holding me back... and it still does. If there are no mirrors around, I feel fine! But the second I catch my reflection I'm back to square one. I just have to remind myself that losing the weight won't solve my problems, it won't make my life any better, it's just a factor to make life feel just that little bit less difficult. I also have to remember to do it in a healthy way, as last time I did this, I went into all sorts of negative spirals and I remember feeling miserable and trapped. It wasn't healthy at all and I lashed out at everyone and even the smallest things would send me off into panic attacks and stress. Eugh. So keeping an eye out for all that!
Today's fasting is going well, but I do feel hungry. Think it's the lack of coffee

I discovered I've been putting too much milk in for a proper fast, but 100 calories over the course of the day isn't the worst thing in the world. Had to take my cat to the vet as well, poor thing, he's been throwing up so had to check that he's ok! They'll run some tests tomorrow and hopefully all will be well with him.