Thank you Ticketty. You're right, losing anyone isn't easy, it really does put things in perspective at times. If anything, I'll be there for my stepmum as she's the only person I really care about from that side (I don't know whether that's a bad thing to say? ...) I don't really know any of them and I think they've always viewed us as outsiders as we're foreign and my dad's an odd-ball. He's a total Russian nerd (mensa level IQ), who while in Russia comes across as confident and knowledgeable, in the UK his mannerisms just seem confusing and eccentric.
The principle of 16:8 is a daily regime of fasting for 16 hours (so an early-ish dinner, finishing at 8) and then not having anything until lunchtime (around 12-1). First 12 hours are said to deplete glycogen stores and then rest of the time body will enter a fat burning mode. First month or two did feel difficult, until the body gets used to accessing fat reserves for energy as it really doesn't like to do it. Now that I seem to have passed that critical point, I feel great! Research shows that muscle tissue will not be touched, so long as calories are sufficient in the eating window so that the body doesn't go into starvation mode. So it's great for either maintenance or weight loss and that depends on calories consumed. I find I can eat anything in my eating window - but I usually do stick to protein as it makes me feel the most energetic and full the next day, but there are meals that are more carby (like the burger yesterday!). Sometimes I do a 20:4 day (so fast 20 hours and eat for 4) as my meals are so spaced out anyway, I don't snack or graze during the day unless I'm VERY hungry, which doesn't happen very often. When I get down to 11st 7 I'll start doing some exercise too in the optimal fasting point before I have my first meal and that would be ideal.
So today, I went into the back of my wardrobe to search for something to wear for tomorrow's event and I dug out a size 14 dress I bought 5 years ago or so "to wear when I slim down". Needless to say, the tags are still on it and I've never worn it... But it fits wonderfully now, that day has finally come!! I'm over the moon

I also bought a pair of black flared jeans, they fit <3 I need to lose a few more lbs (or wear spandex underwear

) as there's a tiny muffin top due to them sitting on my hips, but I'm so happy. I feel more like a normal sized person now. Can't wait for the 12's!
ALSO the scales dipped into 11's this morning!! 11st 13.8. If I was a person who wasn't too self conscious to dance, I so would be doing a happy dance right now! It's all the motivation I need to be good tomorrow